ma20:ma(c,20),colorwhite,linethick2;; J0 @; n( w- n k
9 C9 T& R% b$ I$ ~8 K8 b: Yma250:ma(c,250),colorffcc66,linethick2;/ d; s- l* w* L4 F2 I
/ g$ M# a' Y3 i, P! I( \( _5 |tt1:=cross(ma20,ma120) and cross(ma20,ma250) and v>ref(v,1);" I# s' j1 T" |2 U- B/ Y
tt2:=ma20>ref(ma20,2) and v>ref(v,1) and cross(c,ma20);2 j# ~5 j: _$ |/ @! B* K x
" Z0 I4 Y# x+ g$ R; a3 N; J5 wDRAWTEXT(TT1,l-0.13,'金叉'),coloryellow;
" K$ M5 }! u) r6 v4 l3 ISTICKLINE(cross(c,ma120) and cross(c,ma250) and cross(c,ma20),l,l-0.09,4,0),coloryellow;
/ u0 d& O: u% k( X I/ UDRAWTEXT(cross(c,ma120) and cross(c,ma250) and cross(c,ma20),l-0.13,'并线着花'),coloryellow;
! `) e4 {2 K( A+ k- PSTICKLINE(tt2,l,l-0.09,4,0),coloryellow;$ q/ D Q3 u9 y1 O! }: t6 ]
5 i7 X: F+ x7 USTICKLINE(cross(c,乖离线),h,h+0.09,4,0),color00ff00;3 I9 @7 P$ j; ` Z( ?
DRAWTEXT(cross(c,乖离线) ,h+0.13,'卖点'),color00ff00;: G; l6 A9 ?8 \2 M
STICKLINE(ma250>=ref(ma250,1) and ma20>=ref(ma20,1) and cross(c,ma250),l,l-0.09,4,0),colorffcc66;( C; w3 P1 o# M6 [7 E1 b7 \5 e! ]
DRAWTEXT(ma250>=ref(ma250,1) and ma20>=ref(ma20,1) and cross(c,ma250),l-0.13,'牛象'),colorffcc66;& Y. Q. c8 ^, j, @- |6 v" E
STICKLINE(ma120>=ref(ma120,1) and cross(c,ma20) and cross(c,ma120) and v>ref(v,1),l,l-0.09,4,0),colorff00ff;
( {% d$ M+ a! C3 `2 T- dDRAWTEXT(ma120>=ref(ma120,1) and cross(c,ma20) and cross(c,ma120) and v>ref(v,1),l-0.13,'买点2'), |