生命线:MA(CLOSE,26),COLORRED,LINETHICK2;STICKLINE(C>=生命线 AND C>=O,C,O,7,0),COLORRED;STICKLINE(C>=生命线 AND C>=O,H,L,0,0),COLORRED;dp:=if(c=INDEXC,0,1);gj:=AMOUNT/v/100 ;5 S/ n" Y% F& |6 q9 _7 Y
多头线:EMA(C,1.5),COLORYELLOW;空头线:EMA(C,5),COLOR00FF00;6 d5 @ c6 ?: Q3 x3 ]3 Q
8 O. S- W% j* m$ b) I( @$ ivarF2:=COUNT(CROSS(空头线,均衡线),2)=1;ZAI:=FILTER(varF1 AND varF2,2);
x5 g; x; `, Z4 x( JDRAWTEXT(ZAI,均衡线*0.98,' 主力拉升'),color00ff00;
: {2 L/ U* n* E5 j7 E" ~' |mtm:=close-ref(close,1);dx:=100*ema(ema(mtm,6),6)/ema(ema(abs(mtm),6),6);
& Z( D; s0 I, A: ?3 g1 K" Xdy:=hhv(dx,2)=hhv(dx,7) and count(dx>50,2) and cross(ma(dx,2),dx);
( `5 r1 C* l9 f2 ?1 {1 i, Wlc:=ref(close,1);rsi:=sma(max(close-lc,0),6,1)/sma(abs(close-lc),6,1)*100;
( G- |) J, }: S9 A6 }* j! A" S7 ZZDF:=(C-REF(C,1))/REF(C,1)*100;2 e% B$ c( Y! b: B- d- ]
STICKLINE(ZDF>9.8,O,C,6,0),COLORRED;STICKLINE(ZDFref(买进价,1);STICKLINE(买进条件,h,l,0.5,1),colorwhite,linethick2; STICKLINE(买进条件,o,c,6,0),colorwhite,linethick2;) |6 O& n) Q2 S$ V
加码价:=((c-ref(ma(c,18),1))/18+ma(c,18))*1.004;加码条件:=cross(c,加码价) and 加码价>ref(加码价,1);STICKLINE(加码条件,h,l,0.5,1),coloryellow,linethick2;
" F H0 m+ g$ gSTICKLINE(加码条件,o,c,6,0),coloryellow,linethick |