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[新手入门] 细数五大 过错 投资理念 能避免则尽量避免

发表于 2015-9-9 15:20:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& t4 {( k/ ?6 }9 Q% ^& F+ t) s, w2 x9 V

* Y8 Y% d; o- g  k8 @1.过于超前花费  $ E9 A% a  Y; V( x, g  N
% i, _: l6 U; G5 m0 T$ T. S# U" y4 a! l* y4 f, }5 O' y
3 s- ?8 u2 V* `, Z
: p; H4 i. ^0 @, U! D. ^4 f- e$ e+ @0 F假如是上班族,对自身的收进起源,得明白这些部门,好比工资包括的福利保障、社保、医保、公积金、缴纳的个税等。对于支出,最好是常记账,了解自身资金的往向。此外假如是“老板”一族,挣钱比较多的,须要了解自身的个税情形,资产的组成,资产的损耗、闲置情形等。心中没有出入概念,同样对财富的增加不利。嘉丰瑞德理财师建议可聘任专门的财务、理财方面的参谋,进行合理的计划理财和投资。3 V, q" J; u# B6 T- H; H

+ u* t4 [0 V* U# P
0 @, W/ {4 v% Q& A. d0 \4 h
& \9 j, w, A% a' w  a3 D3.眼里只有股票  
" w& Z8 B- A7 A! {$ D5 l投资,都想保值增值,让财富较快的增加。不过有些投资者眼里却只有股票,实在这并不好。应依据不同的风险蒙受才能,不同的财务情形,合理的采用财富管理方法。嘉丰瑞德理财师以为,股市投资,并非不好,但假如过多的资产设置装备摆设于股市,会存在高风险。! i, {6 j3 w  d

" k7 i' e6 x/ \) y$ j; b8 @! b/ G) E* _# q2 c* [6 O
5 I7 f, a0 a( U5 B% N8 |# S
: H* I! O3 F) i( ?, I/ \
$ k# C( v2 W+ k0 {$ B+ U  }! d4.只做短期投资  9 }/ ?5 i6 S/ r8 g$ m
对于投资,不该只图短期或一两个月的快进快出。假如分派好资金的活动性,进行短持久联合的投资会比较好。像对固定收益理财富品来说,凡是持久投资的收益会比短期投资的收益要高。区分好资金的活动性需求后,活动性需求较少的资金做持久投资,能享受更高的收益。投资者只做短期投资,收益往往难以做到“最大化”。  + r. v9 [( R/ ?5 O) W: E

. g  U4 f0 V) N  p6 u. g8 h3 I7 m4 d% w
! h+ w, @/ n; q( u有投资,好!可是作风过于守旧则可能起不到什么感化。理财的多元化,但建议也不要都是选择过于守旧的投资组合。好比都是国债、大额存单、银行货币理财富品等。国债,3年期的年化收益率才4.5%左右;大额存单,收益率大要只在3.15%左右,只略高于按期存款;而银行货币理财富品可能稍好一些,但也执偾4.5%左右的收益。都是守旧型的投资组合的话,一年下来生怕也赚不了很多钱。) ]* M1 R3 t$ U& U) `. }

; O% Y- ]. @6 q3 E5 h理财师仍是建议,即使是寻求稳健投资,也应恰当的配备较高收益的投资品种。过于守旧,收益生怕都得让CPI及通货膨胀蚕食不少。而此刻的理财,不是特别守旧的投资组合,一年稳定的实现8%-12%以上的收益实在并不艰苦。
1 r& }8 c/ f/ A  o9 @) M! I4 T- d. D  e% D2 ]% v) c
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-27 20:20:42 | 显示全部楼层
for investment, everyone has their own understanding. But to do it, and there are a lot of things. From a professional point of view, the financial planner pointed out that at least some of the financial management should be avoided, so as to increase the wealth of the way to go more happy. Avoid these mistakes include:
3 j* M' \* u3 @& _/ [# {% h1 too far ahead( Q) z$ g- t( N
Urban white-collar workers in the city now almost one or two cards in the hand. A card is good, sometimes to the emergency. But with the credit card too much, beyond their own income to the carrying capacity, then the increase in wealth will not have a good effect. In short, used to spend a large amount of money, is not conducive to the accumulation of wealth.3 |2 n# p' [0 d  }
2 there is no concept
* O2 C: c( u) h8 C  G$ z, WIf it is office workers, the origin of their own income, you have to understand these sectors, such as wages, including the welfare and social security, social security, health insurance, provident fund, payment of tax, etc.. For spending, it is best to often account, to understand their own funds to the. In addition, if it is the boss of the family, more money, you need to understand their own tax situation, the composition of the assets, assets of the loss, idle situation, etc.. There is no concept of access to the heart, as well as the increase in wealth. Richwood financial planner Reed suggested the appointment of a special financial, financial staff, reasonable financial management and investment plan.+ i8 d% _; }* f
3 eyes only stock( q  d  Z# M6 `
Investment, all want to preserve and increase the value, so that the rapid increase in wealth. But some investors eyes only stocks, it is not good. According to different risks, different financial situation and reasonable use of wealth management methods should be adopted. Rhett Jiafeng financial planner that investing in the stock market is not good, but if too much of the assets set the equipment placed in the stock market, there is a high risk.
* w5 s4 N$ x6 W( Z2 \8 p8 i' U3 EFor the risk of sustained ability is not very strong, financial planners recommend might as well retreat for second choice just linked to the stock market investment products, like some hybrid funds, zhongxinggongyue mom securities investment plans, also can get good returns. For example, hybrid funds, the advantage is to take care of the body, investment is not limited to stocks, the risk is smaller than the individual investors to invest. And mom of securities investment is belonging to the income security of investment type (8% of the fixed income), and there are latent in the stock market earnings eligible. For investors, the two are more comprehensive approach to the stock market investment. In general, it is not only the stock can have the potential to have a high income, investment if it can be more diversified, not only can get high returns, and can also reduce the risk of investment system.
0 E; v2 v1 \/ x" J3 Q2 }, b4 [( n- p6 d4 do short-term investment8 A7 V1 n% [  r
For investment, not only the short-term or one or two months fast. If the activity of the allocation of good funds, short lasting joint investment will be better. Like the fixed income financial products, the income will be higher than the long-term investment income of the short-term investment. To distinguish between good money after the activities of the demand, less active demand for long-term investment funds, can enjoy a higher income. Investors only do short-term investments, yields are often difficult to achieve maximum".- T: c! O$ I8 D$ @9 I2 [
5 style too conservative8 t: f; D# J' d" _" A% B7 v6 A
Have investment, good! But the style is too old, it may not play a role. Financial diversification, but it is not recommended to choose too conservative investment portfolio. Like all of the national debt, certificates of deposit, bank money, wealth, etc.. Treasury bonds, three-year annual yield rate to 4.5%; certificates of deposit, yields a gist for the only about 3.15% is only slightly higher than that of regular deposits and bank monetary wealth management products may slightly better, but also hold only about 4.5% of revenue. Are conservative type of investment portfolio, a year down for fear that can not make a lot of money.5 H' I6 s; ], {# e/ n5 e
Financial planner is still recommended, even if it is to seek a healthy investment, it should be appropriate with higher returns of investment varieties. Too conservative, the revenue is afraid to let CPI and inflation eroded a lot. And at the moment of financial management, is not particularly conservative investment portfolio, a year of stable implementation of the above 8%-12% income is not difficult.
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