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hogan blu because the situation is serious

发表于 2016-1-6 08:35:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
life is also decent. The evening of September 13,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]comunitamadonnadelrosario.it/]hogan uomo], Mary accidentally scalded his right leg going to carry the hot water on the stove showers. To ease her daughter's pain,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]romaniatv.it/hogan.asp]scarpe hogan outlet sito ufficiale], Xie pay from the next fellow club that asked to rub the wound with gasoline easy good. So he installed a half bottle of approximately 200M L of gasoline, so Mary Mother Mary pour in the thigh wound. More than one meter away, stood burning stove. Suddenly,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]criminal-minds.it/scarpe-hogan-interactive/]scarpe hogan interactive], Mary, and his mother who became an instant fire Burning Man. "Mars is estimated to be floated into the toilet caused by coal stove." So far retrospect, Xie pay still haunt society. Both mother and daughter spend 260,000 yuan admission, treatment After extinguishing the flames, Mary and her daughter were taken to hospital. After examination, Mary body has 60% burns, are third-degree burns, "is mainly burns the limbs,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]piazzadelgesu46.it/category/hogan-sneakers/]hogan sneakers], especially buttocks burned most severe." Hsieh Fu agency said, because the situation is serious, the next day it was transferred to the city of Mary a hospital, two days after also do skin grafting. Xie Fu Club wife burns the legs, burns 15 percent, another week before they can walk. This month.' a0 f3 ]" \) M8 c2 X/ p
he met Guo Yue and what is good couple. He Jia Xie Hui eyeing hands, Apple phone, which is that of a wife dreaming. Trailing Cayenne Drilling cell He Jia has not put down the phone,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]piazzadelgesu46.it/category/hogan-online/]hogan online], which makes Xie Hui not start. Soon, Guo Yue out of driving away from the tea shop, Xie Hui and quickly closing the stalls ran out to catch off-road vehicles. Open to the front corner intersection,[url=http://comunitamadonnadelrosario.it/scarpe.php]spaccio hogan], Cayenne and stopped the car off the two walked into a beauty shop frog. Xie Hui saw two people into the store and the clerk said a few words, took a bag of packaged food, and return to the car. Take advantage of this empty when Xie Hui stopped a taxi, followed Cayenne came to a riverside upscale district. Xie Hui in the area outside the gate and get off along the garage into the area, they found the couple lived Guo Yue gardens. Garden in front of the iron gate did not lock, Xie Hui in the door,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]siasprint.it/spaccio-hogan/]spaccio hogan], hiding behind the fruit by the pool,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]infosite.it/scarpe-hogan-donna/]scarpe hogan donna], ready to find a good time to start. The couple were in the bedroom,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]elbrellin.it/sneakers-hogan/]sneakers hogan], he slipped to act Observe a moment, Xie Hui gradually find out about the family's situation. In addition to Guo Yue couple, the family has two children and a pair of elderly. A total of three ground garden house,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]discovirtuale.it/category/hogan-blu/]hogan blu], the couple home after Guo Yue, late night on the second floor, two elderly people is to coax the child to sleep on the first floor. Next morning around zero Xie Hui from the pool side door (no lock) to enter the room, the first floor of surveillance cameras turned upward. He went to the second floor.7 ]) r3 N+ s# Z) `* V
took off his shoes readily took a LV handbags,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]enotecheregionalipiemonte.it/hogan-interactive-uomo/]hogan interactive uomo], hiding in a ledge.' L1 z( T; t) O
very lively and cheerful, now changed, this occurs afterwards, caused her psychological shadow." Xie club pay shook his head and reluctantly said,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]dehelper.it/]hogan online], I hope after discharge, there are volunteers can help make mental counseling, help make up classes if someone better.Hechuan District Public Security Bureau, the suspect at the time was the car out of the cell white Cayenne garage victim livedWang Bingbing photography intern reporter Wang Jue November 1 night, Guo Yue own driving Porsche Cayenne sport utility vehicle and his wife, He Jia came near Aikawa high school to buy supper. 23:00 more, Guo Yue will be parked in the garage, and his wife carrying supper upstairs. This evening and usually no different.( V( [" F8 R2 A( S, a9 }  M/ }2 ]
he took care of Mary, is already physically and mentally exhausted, his wife and two daughters to help take care of relatives and villagers. The doctor told Xie agency pay, after discharge to prevent wound infection, scarring after surgery needs to be done, if recover quickly,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]infosite.it/hogan-scarpe/]hogan scarpe], at least to walk five months later. Follow-up treatment costs make up Xie club pay headache, Mary, and his wife's treatment costs spent so far about 260,000, nearly 100,000 have been borrowed from relatives and friends. Because leave too, thank the club paid work now lost. "Without work they can find, fear Mary go back,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]infosite.it/hogan/]hogan], would not accept the fact that losing his temper." For not the end, thank club pay face a loss. Every time I hear Mary said, "Daddy why should this time,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]comunitamadonnadelrosario.it/]hogan donna]," Xie pay will blame society for quite a while. "My daughter so far has been very good in primary school among the best.
& w( M$ G$ @! \/ f8 x$ t- f they do not know,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]infosite.it/outlet-hogan/]outlet hogan], at the swimming pool garden plot fruit trees, a thin figure standing there, would have noticed them. He wanted to give his wife to steal an apple phone Xie Hui is Hechuan people, 23 years old, and his wife married soon, there is a 9-month-old son. Usually in addition to sales,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]mywe.it/]hogan rebel], maintenance motorcycle, Chang also bought a van, run transport earn money. Since last year, his wife said to want a iPhone, can the family is not rich, the natural desire to be stranded. This year, Apple has a new phone, his wife's desire to be more intense, constantly in front of Xie Hui lifted. Gradually,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]rabis.it/]hogan scarpe], stealing a cell phone to his wife's idea more strongly in the heart Xie Hui. At 22:00 on November 1 and more, Xie Hui and friends a drink stalls nearby Aikawa school, a white Cayenne sport utility vehicle parked in front of him. The man drove off into the next tea shop, Fujia position a woman is playing down the phone.% X; L. p. m3 C' [. u8 |5 ]
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