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hogan outlet roma knowing smile on his face as they watch. April 19

发表于 2016-1-6 02:35:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
feeling very uncomfortable to wear male clothes, wear them like a fool,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]spazioestetico.it/hogan-offerte/]hogan offerte], but "wearing women's clothes feeling very excited ,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]digicar.it/hogan-donna/]hogan donna], very satisfied also for their own kind of identity. " This hobby of origin,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]digicar.it/hogan-outlet-roma/]hogan outlet roma], or from childhood. When ten years old, "ground Guage" began to feel different places with the other boys: women like to dress up, but taking into account the objections of his family,[url=http://goldenkstar###/casa.asp]scarpe hogan outlet], and neighbors strange look, he did not dare to buy women's clothing, had to buy partial neutral clothes. But it is difficult to make him change his mind mind. After all, "psychologically you want to be a woman." 2000, "to Guage" divorce, family breakdown. In order to start a new life, he listened to the words of a friend to work in Hainan, but almost caught in MLM organizations. From then on, he began to break Hainan single one. Six years ago, through his fierce ideological struggle, finally found the courage, "emancipating the mind", will be the most charming side show out on his own. Women wear street clothes being branded "Simon" 12 years ago, "to Guage" footprint traveled Danzhou,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]free2peek.nl/parajumpers-dames/]parajumpers dames], Qionghai,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]spazioestetico.it/hogan-uomo/]hogan uomo], Haikou, be safe and so on. Danzhou but also "to Guage" Life has taken the first step "self", the first woman to buy clothes for the first time wearing women clothes, the first being branded "Simon", "Metamorphosis", "ground Guage "it has since changed its name to Li Yinxia name meaning just admire sociologist Li Yinhe,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]softairroma.it/nuova-collezione-scarpe-hogan-uomo/]nuova collezione scarpe hogan uomo], put" Li Yinhe "changed to" Li Yinxia. " "Ground Guage" handed reporters a somewhat yellowed photos, people photos on has Shuojian figure, was wearing a black skirt wrapped chest harness. "This dress I bought the first pieces of female clothes, when the waiter did not believe, I have in front of their interview wearing." "Ground Guage,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]storytell.it/scarpe/667.html]hogan donna]," he said with a smile.
$ g& x. k3 l7 L "Simon," "abnormal",[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]latecnicasrl.it/hogan-2014/innamorarsi-di-elegante-stile-minimalista-inviare-primavera-lancio-della-collezione-2015-delle-donne-hogan/]hogan 2014], and was even chased people too. "Blow by others, was pretty uncomfortable, I cried several times, but he is still unwilling to give up the ideal,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]acenet.it/category/hogan-on-line/]hogan on line], then one would like to ignore them." Six months of frustration for the breast augmentation pill change "woman" In order to pursue their own ideals,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]latecnicasrl.it/category/hogan-scontate/]hogan scontate], "to Guage" There were repulsed a strange look and ridicule others, but would like to "woman" idea more strongly. I heard that birth control pills can increase the female hormone,[url=http://imcindustrial###/documents/casa.asp]hogan donna], he bought a box of contraceptives immediately take one month, for taking six months, chest or as "airport." He also thought of breast coup, to buy advertising in breast enhancement products, apply two bottles of product, chest or "placid",[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]softairroma.it/hogan-outlet-roma/]hogan outlet roma], "no effect, minimal, and the nipple a little pain, very hard to accept." Repeatedly breast but did not reach their desired effect. February 2008, "to Guage" looking to the sea from Ting orthopedic hospital. "Looking over several plastic surgery hospital, and finally to the Hainan plastic surgery hospital to mention eyebrow.
- J0 }: j) B& e: ~) g8 A% N This is the scenario Haikou Network reporter saw "ground Guage" when. "Now the business is a little better, or to thank the students of Hainan University." "Ground Guage" busy business, knowing smile on his face as they watch. April 19, "Haikou campus" micro-Bo said: Sea Dabei door Jingxian "sweet potato" Brother, cited onlookers, the students called sharp, full of personality. Sassoon head, leopard jumpsuit, pink stockings, users called for a new generation "to Guage." One night,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]acenet.it/category/hogan-online/]hogan online], "to Guage" became a microblogging Reds. But subsequently, on his mixed reviews. It is to win the eye? Or marketing? This illustrated meager caused many users to "ground Guage" speculation. Maybe they were wrong. Shu know, this once masculine, why handsome man under immense pressure of public opinion, to present himself as a pair of woman look like? April 28, Haikou Network reporter saw the "ground Guage" listened to his extraordinary and difficult "woman way." My heart there is a "woman" childhood like women dress Sitting in front of reporters "to Guage" for a dress: suit dress child, black stockings, high-heeled sandals. A seated, he gently lifted the hair scattered in the forehead, began to reveal his smile symbolic hand. Eye shadow,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]kingdragon.it/category/scarpe-hogan-uomo-outlet/]scarpe hogan uomo outlet], rub foundation, lipstick, perfume, nail polish, makeup these women can pursue from the front of the "ground Guage" body to trace. "Ground Guage" said that this is his true now dressed, the family all women clothes, he has also been used women wearing." w# o3 z5 p& p) Z/ [
to spend 10 yuan to buy clothes after workers know, often jokes about him, "did not have to go out looking for a young lady,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]topticketlijn.nl/parajumpers-sale/]parajumpers sale]," and it became his opportunity for women to dress up, then they go out to work dresser. In fact, the "ground Guage" the woman bought a skirt road before the start of the 20 days, after he bought the underwear, but only secretly at home wear. "Ground Guage,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]kingdragon.it/category/prezzo-hogan/]prezzo hogan]," said the first time he wore female clothes to the streets, it seems that they are aliens from other planets to become the eyes of others heterogeneous. He or watching, or being sarcastic laugh,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]kingdragon.it/hogan-junior/primavera-hogan-e-nuove-idee-con-la-moda-di-creare-un-moderno-giacca-e-cravatta/]hogan junior], or be scolded.
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