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发表于 2016-1-5 04:07:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
11:41, 110 received a public warning that the bridge downtown welcome someone shouting for help. Wenfeng Yancheng City Public Security Bureau police station rushed to the scene after  and , dark line of sight due to the enemy, many are looking at both sides of the bridge, an old man was eventually found water in the northbound east side,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]romaniatv.it/collezione.asp]hogan outlet scarpe], on the foot of the embankment sewer pipe,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]grandhotelcrocedimalta.it]woolrich italia], weak voice shouting for help. According to police Yu Xueen, due to riverbank is piling up by the stones out of the water three meters tall, they got in the flower beds next to a long wooden stick, the stick the other end gave the old man to crawl, but the old man did not catch effort stick, this time the elderly have two meters away from the shore far, unable to pronounce the sound. Seeing this, Yu Xueen slide into the water along the river bank,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]progettoinfocity.it/]nike air max online], the old man onto the shore, pinch its people, so that the elderly spit water. Then rushed to the police and auxiliary police Chen Hongbin Liu Huan together also jumped into the river, because the embankment is too high, people are still unable to put the elderly 3 lifts to the shore. So to help police 119 fire before firefighters arrived, three people standing chest of ice water exchange with each arm consisting of "chair", the old man lifted in the water, and has been talking to her, until firefighters rushed to the elderly to save the shore, it is the 0:40 a. After According to police reports, they will be ready to leave the old man to the hospital, the elderly firmly grasp  hand,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]forestedilombardia.it/]air jordan shop], thank him in spite of the cold she jumped into the river will be rescued. Reporters learned from the police, the elderly live Yandu District Hing Man Estate, 60 years old this year, suffering from cancer in hospital for many years, due to the unbearable pain of torture, and so the idea of suicide. (Finish) (Original title: old unbearable pain and suffering jumping into ice water police rescue lifts day is an English teacher migrant children schools. In the evening.! f& U5 L4 |) h* d
more than 40 children creations. 3 years, in addition to the children, almost all the people around him are against this "evening classes during the day to sell corn teacher" to continue to teach. To a three-year one thousand yuan monthly income December 26, 2011, the day the highest temperature 2  ?. In recent days the cold, so water Xingzhi Migrant School campus frozen, water the entire campus had been "drying up." Old principal came to school early in the morning, let cook riding a tricycle, near a well to fetch water. Cook two kilometers to ride back and forth.6 Z: J2 l; h& ]+ D: _1 ?2 X! t
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and the kids have been together for more than three years. Old president still clearly remember the scene of the original interview Dong Dandan. "There are three people to interview, appearance, education and other aspects of personality, Dong Dandan is the most outstanding." Old principal said Dong Dandan won more than 30 votes. However, Dong Dandan refused. "I have a left-behind children"  Zhoukou City, Henan Province. As the eldest,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]delcros###/main.asp]louboutin pas cher], 2008  first came to Beijing, she had two wishes, and their parents,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]yingli4you.it/]scarpe nike air max prezzo basso], to find a decent job to support the family economy. Dong Dandan said that in 1997.2 z) T6 t3 D5 y( e3 l5 b8 V
the car filled with three large buckets shaking all the way back to school. It is located in Haidian District Xingzhi double Ash village school. Campus is quietly being Ruins "swallowed",[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]accord-edu.it/]nike air max 2015], which seems to indicate that the school will give way to rapid development of the city's fate. After the summer of 2008, Dong Dandan came here to become an English teacher. In fact, it was a backfire choice. Dong Dandan recalls, "I want to be a teacher,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]forestedilombardia.it/]nike air jordan], but do not want in this school as a teacher. Monthly income of a few thousand dollars,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]vaz###.co/]doudoune parajumpers], where the schools can help to pay damages, such a job that allows me to Beijing security a stable home." Dong Dandan Speaking of his original dream, she laughed. Behind her, the child's smiling face is 41. Today,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]referenceweb.fr]zanotti], she is the monthly income of 1,600 yuan.
  h+ H4 {% W: ~6 s, l  sell corn at the flyover. Post trainee reporter Zhang Xinyan Figure December 26,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]unionecuochiumbri.it/collezione.asp]2014 Scarpe Hogan], 2011, Dong Dandan Zhang Jun students make up classes.Daytime classes for the children of migrant workers home at night to sell corn subsidies  ? promos 9:15 tonight,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]obesite-paris###/hollister.asp]hollister soldes], Dragon TV will continue to offer the citizens inspirational show "Big Love Orient", this program will be in spite of a poor family in Henan teacher Dong Dandan through interviews, he insisted in migrant schools teaching, and Shanghai photographers Tangsheng Nan free Shooting for the 600 elderly artistic portrait of the story,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]delcros###/main.asp]chaussure louboutin], touching moment recording era. Please watch. Interns oakleys Beijing, winter, cold, in the Haidian District, two Ash village Xingzhi Migrant School, the English teacher Dong Dandan were in school.
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