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发表于 2016-1-4 07:02:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3). Overall, the initial formulation of the system has made some effect, but there are also some problems to be the perfect place. On how to improve the system,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]freezer-seo.fr/air-max-pas-cher-enfant/]air max pas cher enfant], there has been two ideas: one is to strengthen the administrative capacity of the dominant, to strengthen the "bail" "Performance" "Approved," "The Punisher" these links, and do everything possible to prevent the free normal school graduates have to work at the grassroots level loss; the other is a motivation, guidance,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]bagnoromagnolo###/details.asp]hollister milano], respect,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]permissible.fr]tn requin], tolerance attitude in the face of reality, pay attention to the reasonable demands of the majority of free education for students by strengthening services to support the development of free normal school graduates work at the grassroots level and education careers . In today's open, pluralistic era full of opportunities and hope there is more scientific,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]centre-huit.org/]scarpin louboutin pas cher], more humane policy design,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]emmedielle.it]scarpe hogan], should allow young people the opportunity to re-selection, while the establishment of appropriate exit mechanism. It is understood that Australia also has a encourage college graduates to work in remote areas of policy: rely on student loans to finish college graduates.
; j; z+ g. ]; P  l! h# R. U* c to allow free education for students without professional restrictions, apply academic graduate, rather than hard to take "one size fits all" approach, limited to education Master mode. In fact, China's policy of free education for students is also in constant adjustment, modification and improvement process. In six subordinates Free Normal Normal took the lead after health policy,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]baby-star.it]woolrich online], Xinjiang and other provinces (regions) of the number of the Local Normal Universities also uses normal students free education approach to effectively enrich and improve the teachers in rural areas. In the first year on a pilot basis, the Ministry of Education in accord with public opinion,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]praetorians.fr]tn requin], has the original "ten years from teaching, the first two years to the rural grass-roots school" policy adjusted to "ten years from teaching, where two school work at the grassroots level." and greatly reduce the difficulty of policy implementation. In keeping track, research,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]bagnoromagnolo###/collezione.asp]scarpe hogan outlet], based on the Ministry of Education will establish a public commitment to free education for students of recruitment and exit mechanism, it presents a more open state,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]deremetallica.org/barbour-soldes/]barbour soldes], so that all those who want to be a teacher, especially when rural teachers of young students to join this industry in the past.
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lifestyle, should make the necessary policy adjustments. Overseas data show that: China's Taiwan region enjoy similar subsidies to normal life and health services in remote rural areas of the general provisions of primary and secondary schools to work for 5 years,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]regm.fr]louboutin pas cher], 5 years later, you can have unrestricted own jobs or continue their studies. After years of enjoyment Singapore Singapore Government Scholarship foreign students graduating in local service provision, also 3 to 5 years. These practices worth learning from. For free education for students as well as follow-up support policy also needs to be improved training methods. Many free education for students working at the grassroots level proposed for the academic year can be adjusted job graduate, take 2 + 1 model, that in addition to online learning and intensive training for two years summer vacation, and then extended for one year full-time schedule learning, in order to ensure quality learning time and degree. State policy and hope to be able to break through.
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