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发表于 2016-1-2 03:57:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
said, "In the past companies such behavior is indeed difficult to regulate, you think about it, a business inside the factory hit a well extraction of groundwater, and do not be reported to the government, really difficult regulatory problem. But he told reporters, with the improvement of enterprise upgrading equipment and processes, extraction of groundwater now the situation has been greatly reduced,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]regm.fr]louboutin femme pas cher], leading to the village to groundwater Kuangchou trap and houses damaged mainly existed before. " Live in dilapidated houses in claiming "not afraid of death" Chaoyang District Rao Valley town head Po Tsuen Village area in Shantou City, neatly lined with dozens of Chaoshan traditional houses, the villagers  home in one of them. This is a 30-year years courtyard-style houses, is now perilous. Four exterior walls on each side, you can see the obvious cracks, cracks, reached twenty-three meters long, runs through the entire surface of the wall, the most wide cracks can be easily put into a fist. Interior walls, roof, courtyard floor.
7 w' n. q- _# }" Y7 O) f$ ]: U also cracks everywhere. 65-year-old Zhang Chuhong now on alone with such a dangerous. Five years ago, houses in the Village area houses found along the cracked walls, ramps,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]permissible.fr]air max pas cher], and the neighborhood a chat with each other, only to find we have the same thing happened. Later,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]delcros###/main.asp]louboutin], the more powerful the walls crack, the government identified as dangerous,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]centosapori.it]moncler italia], some villagers moved out. Zhang Chuhong and five sons, plus daughter, grandson, bustling 30 people, had lived in this room more than 200 square meters of residential areas. Now five sons have moved out of the home, to the town renters. Normally, we see the house where they split,  to fill with cement. Some old cracks opened and fill,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]centosapori.it]moncler donna], fill up again opened, and repeatedly several times. Heavy rain hit the roof sand straight out, he did not make a fuss, he said he "not afraid of death." And housing wall cracks occur simultaneously, it is ground subsidence. The Village area was originally a ramp area, near the end slightly higher ground  home,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]freezer-seo.fr/air-max-bw-pas-cher/]air max bw pas cher], but now seems to have completely the ground. Village between the roadway because of uneven ground subsidence, also becomes uneven.  said, now the village and his house collapsed as more than 10 seriously dilapidated,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]accord-edu.it/]nike air max 2015], and some people to build a new house,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]hotel-emilia.it]woolrich outlet], the house rented out to another to live here, there are about 7-8 households have lived in their home dangerous. The rainy season,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]grandhotelcrocedimalta.it]woolrich prezzi], when the most severe cracking walls, every rainstorm, village cadres come in Notify villagers living in dilapidated transfer Zhangchu Hong went to the nearby high school head Po Tsuen temporary stay. In another village, Rao Valley town of Po Tsuen --- located in the head southeast,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]obesite-paris###/hollister.asp]hollister pas cher], a distance of about four kilometers of new Cuocun, the villagers lived in the same small yellow with  dangerous. Small yellow house in a residential area Xintai new Cuocun north, here is the traditional residential neighborhoods. But this area of land subsidence more serious than first Po Tsuen.
4 J0 m5 n: K" o, C! A" W2 R5 k for the difficult problem of drinking water, Chaonan since last year invested about 1.4 billion yuan to solve this problem. For example, has started construction of village water supply project, the project is expected to complete in 2019. Further expansion will be built Chaonan four water and the laying of more than 20 km pipeline project, water supply facilities for changing the backward situation. While transforming the Red Square, Thunder Ridge and other small mountain centralized water supply project 45,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]bagnoromagnolo###/collezione.asp]hogan outlet scarpe], solve the problem of water reserve. "Our long-term low-interest loans from the World Bank $ 100 million for the construction of drinking water projects, but the money was not a one-off to,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]museoleonardodavinci.it/]nike shox outlet], but other projects advance to a certain extent allocation batches. It will take some time, not overnight . The "Chen Wunan secretary, said:" We are now promoting the three major river systems Chaonan: Including the Autumn Ridge Reservoir, Jinxi reservoir,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]obesite-paris###/hollister.asp]hollister paris], reservoir Longxi network opened up, so that we can on the water for the deployment of several large reservoirs , and then to solve the problem of water for the region's 1.37 million population. " Because the extraction of groundwater for cause land subsidence and village houses cracking problem, a local government official on condition of anonymity.
/ _, B) Z9 d+ i/ n Tai residential north end of the ground, almost one meter more than the southern end of the "short" again! Upon entering the small yellow house door, jumped in front of the first is a vertical thick black rift runs through the 2-meter-high walls of the entire surface. Huang said, this house was built about 20 years, starting about 10 years ago, here in the house began to have cracks,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]ecosearch.org/maison.asp?page=abercrombie-pas-cher/]abercrombie pas cher], the ground began to sink. And there are small yellow house adjacent three-storey building, due to the ground after the collapse of the building for construction, foundation played very high.
8 j3 S0 @$ R" D# l+ z4 o visual ground about 1 & nbsp; .4 meters. Huang said that the height substantially unchanged from before the collapse. In the south, there is a residential building for more ragged, and from the outside you can see some corners of the walls have been damaged horrendous. Small Huang Jieshao, since the ground subsidence badly, the family of the half demolished house,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]comtv.fr]basket zanotti], live in the other half, "which is like the basement." New Cuocun Po Tsuen more dilapidated than the head, was found earlier. Huang said, and the collapse of their homes as severe about 20, a few dilapidated buildings have been torn down, leaving a pile of rubble. In the new Cuocun, like small yellow young not much like. Huang said, most new Cuocun thousands of people to Rao Valley town or field work,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]avocatpermispoint.fr]chaussure homme louboutin], he came back a couple of years ago from the field study,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]yingli4you.it/]nike air jordan], they start in their own homes underwear processing of small business, at home to open a small workshop, getting goods from the factory town underwear processing. While the same area of the house walls crack, collapse, collapse of the ground obviously, this unusual phenomenon what is the reason? Zhang Chuhong still very dazed. "The government also came, but did not tell us that what is the reason." Of houses collapsed,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]hotel-emilia.it]woolrich outlet online], ground subsidence causes new Cuocun small yellow than Zhangchu Hong think more clearly.
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