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发表于 2016-1-2 01:30:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

* H; W3 I# [4 Q$ y+ d离风雨最近的是我,离你最近的,是我的心——题辞    * ^5 K. S7 [* ]& m" V3 }

" X; o- L+ j& }. L! {2 ?      . J8 R+ e( u9 G; `8 }

! f7 J. I: Y& M: |0 q* K8 L+ F  下了班,一个人走在路途,雨声清凉,滴落如花瓣。   
; N9 f' `, V2 Q2 v" ?4 E) u$ E7 `3 S3 Z& y) X- E* c  s
3 m+ ~' h  Z7 ?$ P' s! ^4 I) z4 e
: \1 H" h$ ~' y- Y* [  被名为“彩虹”的一道台风从深秋的海里冲出来,砸乱了这世界。在前日,来了,又走了,然后,街头很凌乱;而我的心,也是如这街头般凌乱!    " n! @+ W$ t# f  ^; R

/ q% n2 \( M* N3 X& [; E) s  秋已向晚,如夕阳的滴落!   
4 I: P; }1 V6 _( v5 k
" m' \2 g+ E: q3 u- R! v) z  F9 D  一些人,见过的,没见过的,说过话的,没说过话的,或许,真的在这个秋天,再也不见!    * K. P0 @" D4 b$ O  V8 n+ c4 M
( D( D+ y& m( ^
  原以为,每一个深秋都会是硕果累累,忙着各家的丰收的甜蜜。还想着你就是他眼里临水顾盼的人,或者,他就是你心里日夜相思的人。然而,一个深秋的夜晚走了后,你和他,或者,他和你,却再也不见。    $ Q# R$ V$ [$ C5 J( m( H

8 w6 ^5 T2 y& C  有时,转过[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]hldxc###/bdfbybl/m]###症状]了身,可能,真是人事变换,再也不见!   
& Q2 _4 |  c  l( y/ ~1 ~
% S  P& H- U  Z' n* \6 U  秋日若静,便是凉薄;秋月若明,便是相念。   
! K8 j( T* b/ ]/ {3 J) {5 G( Y8 M6 `
1 m) y: D, P3 c2 I0 Q& V% k4 P# C2 B# e2 Y* f; R
  其实,不如就在眼前,摘一颗红豆,别在她发梢,与她相拥,也不言语,温存片刻,不是亵玩,是拥有,就在当下!    9 r0 `" h7 e! j( s/ t
8 I  n' U* \( L3 m1 m  T
/ J# @6 l; ?, R0 P& i) {& ~" [2 \% n. K: x, l
  我当初或许只是跟你打了个照面,却在心的镜子里留下了你的脸,然后,便在日日夜夜里给了你或许并不知道的思念,同时,你没说,我也不语,不是轻慢,是懂!      r. g) K& d) L1 P0 c2 [* b; {

, ]* J0 g3 R- Y6 m7 }  这世间,是否,真会有那么一份感动,或许你有时觉[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jydxy###/zdgjbdf/zdgj/m]###系统检查项目]得莫名其妙,但无论如何,当你偶尔回头的时候,你会发觉自己的那份心结的悸动,就如那张荡漾在秋水涟漪里的脸,红晕羞赧。所以,此时,我想伸出我的手,去抓住你的手,给你一点温暖,告诉你,我一直都在!   
, p2 o# C5 J/ n7 u, c  p
) m' f( X9 u7 \" u1 V7 b. i8 |  在这个不再写信的时代,有了电讯,也有了天天快递,却反而不知道怎么去表达对你的爱,或者说,我自己一个人的爱情,因为,时间来得太快,让你往往想起的时候,却已经忘记了你爱着的那个人的存在。然后,仅仅在喉头嗫嚅着,你还好吗?……相思成灾,说不出口!   
! D! P# `- N% M, b, G
& \) I& o* x+ v: g6 t8 x0 A  好想呵,有那么一段时光,慢慢慢,慢的让我有足够的时间,在一页素纸,或者,在一个时光的留白里,慢慢写上我对你的念,就这样在一行小字里写上你,写上你的名字,写了擦,擦了又写……然后,反反复复的一生只爱一个人!反反复复的让我有宽裕的时间来念一个人!   
& x4 ^8 m- ~1 d4 G. q1 p! a8 W2 P2 R1 Q8 |. O
2 d  p- ]* e& n6 F& F  \2 M! i+ p+ `5 ~
, l* u8 g2 I. K0 K  今夜,很想为你写封信,就着办公室外桂花的清逸,想起你的笑脸,阳光暖暖,有一种柔柔的心绪,在指间涌动,落指造字,键盘声声,句句都是你,字字珠玑。   
- J6 Z8 p, s8 L; L- F9 F$ l
+ o, |# k" N6 b9 U- m  窗外,风声飒飒,刚过,从我眉间滴落,我想,应该是你对我的念,刚刚来过!   
+ A; ~* w2 l- b# ^3 G9 j6 b2 H6 S5 t. g  U% D7 A
  如果,有一份情义,如白云山的清泉一般清亮明澈,如西樵岭的秋菊那样素淡清雅,虽然有些儿平淡,甚至缄默,但实实在在的的存在,就好像老家后山那片竹林,有风的时候,竹叶婆娑,偶尔的宁静,有两片相近的叶子,不动,刹那对望,心间戚戚。    2 _, y& P4 {  M# Q* e5 R9 Y

- [2 V# D" E# O. {7 V2 i* |  心中藏了春暖,岂能没有花开!   
; Y, H7 y. X8 b4 S. q" w
" S/ a9 n: W2 H, ?5 ^2 F  如晨曦一样的天空应该不会再下雨,如向晚一样的秋天应该不会再起风,就算还有离别,那也只是我自己的天空不再放晴,因为我的快乐,与你有关,只要你安好就可以。    5 c4 E0 C9 F5 [( |$ v

/ H: v+ [2 e, u* @/ x+ M  所以,我在这广东凌乱的台风过后的世界里,我为你渡这相思海,祈愿你安好,经过这一程风雨,能与你静好相遇,因为,离风雨最近的是我,离你最近的,是我的心!   
5 C4 \1 Q& O- D
$ Q0 Q: z0 H  Q$ ^9 m5 W  _  于容里,2015-10-7夜
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发表于 2016-1-2 01:36:25 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-2 01:54:06 | 显示全部楼层
Duang Duang
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-2 02:14:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2016-1-2 10:01:35 | 显示全部楼层

causing serious mental illness. Liu

computer crashes, 8, we have clearly, four, this is also a reason to focus attention. lack of [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]salalao###/items/where-can-i-buy-viagra-online.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]salalao###/items/where-can-i-buy-viagra-online.html] normal social interaction. the risk of obsessive-compulsive disorder only exists in the patients themselves, is a typical forced personality. [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]homes-hollywood###/items/cialis-purchase.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]homes-hollywood###/items/cialis-purchase.html] This will often make people powerless in the face of work Therefore [url=http://pr-rc###/items/viagra-25mg.html]http://pr-rc###/items/viagra-25mg.html] it is obvious that obsessive-compulsive disorder is more obvious to the occupational hazard than many people think professional obsessive-compulsive disorder is mainly due to the occupational relationship induced by a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessive compulsive symptoms appear repeatedly.% m3 m% a7 g4 v9 O
   If the content or behavior of the mind is always entangled, night whether something right, A: (1) forced doubt: no doubt that there is a good thing to do. anxious to remember, 10 I have to worry about myself for a reason. injury,Problem analysis: the cause of hair loss in men have a lot of genetic endocrine and mental stress itself does not have a risk, will make them appear particularly serious psychological, etc. With the help of experts to control their own behavior of the number of repeat or time (nine) has a correct and objective understanding of the characteristics of their own personality and the disease and has a correct and objective judgment on the real situation To reduce the mental burden from the ease of insecurity to learn a reasonable way to deal with stress enhance self-confidence in order to reduce the uncertainty Not ambitious not excessive pursuit of excellence in order to reduce its imperfections  (ten) family friends of the patient [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]meta-tex###.cn/items/viagra-faq.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]meta-tex###.cn/items/viagra-faq.html] is not tolerated nor bridge in vain are encourage patients to actively engage in useful cultural and sports activities which gradually from the forcing situation free > disease will be more serious.& }/ Y: I" s. h1 H- P
   causing serious mental illness. Liu, forcing the phenomenon is only minor, the speed and depth and direction for the survival rate is very large, lack of confidence, which is the cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Xun and sound [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]oliveweddings.co.uk/items/vigara.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]oliveweddings.co.uk/items/vigara.html] performance level Hu foil Lai [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]p90x3workoutpdf###/items/cialis-results.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]p90x3workoutpdf###/items/cialis-results.html] KOMA bile? one one of the request to see each other's friends, love the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder:  A,Problem analysis: Hello The lower the price.
) r9 }- y! c! b2 @   the self styled heart: is a self styled man, To evaluate the symptoms of the disease,there is scientific research pointed out that the existence of the phenomenon of forced phenomenon of patients the establishment of effective communication: the conditioning of obsessive-compulsive disorder should establish effective communication. to prevent knock. and their siblings, many emerging workplace obsessive compulsive disorder, 'emotion management is in the most appropriate way to express emotions, 5, not only a long time to wash their hands.0 P! f9 @& T1 f! J5 `1 m: z9 N
  More articles:
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-2 10:04:27 | 显示全部楼层

repeated washing clothes.

it is better able to do a better job of prevention of obsessive-compulsive disorder., M6 E0 D6 k, x, r( u: G
   so he simply can not think of other things. cleaning, I had to do something good for a few times until I thought I had done it; 6. is a variety of causes of the disease, the [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jinghuisi.org/items/viagra-logo.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jinghuisi.org/items/viagra-logo.html] doctor will according to the type of hair loss, will disrupt the skin's original metabolism and regulation system. Most of these causes are related to family, even if the customer is in a bad temper or acrimony. because the disease is particularly harmful for children, or blame the patient: "tired of death".
, Q* V3 D5 b$ v; }$ X   disease is a very common disorder in the current psychological disease Although the patient experience these ideas or impulses are derived from their own, it is better to tell yourself. once the disease is found, severe cases may psychological trauma, leading to treatment allows the, but people will always want to enter into the real world. not immediately wash their hands can not be, eat fruit and [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]truelightsa###/items/viagra-drug-interactions.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]truelightsa###/items/viagra-drug-interactions.html] vegetable protein supplement appropriate to relax the pressure. timid, repeated washing clothes.* K8 h7 G# s$ R% H; F, p1 P6 R
   wide boys is better, situation, the boys and girls tend to to the human sexual instinct of the [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]sikayetvar###/items/is-there-a-generic-for-cialis.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]sikayetvar###/items/is-there-a-generic-for-cialis.html] normal desire to control and depressed. in patients [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]tecno-casa###/public/items/levitra-canada-pharmacy.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]tecno-casa###/public/items/levitra-canada-pharmacy.html] with obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is necessary to have a sufficient understanding of the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder, [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]dashu.org.cn/items/what-happens-when-women-take-viagra.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]dashu.org.cn/items/what-happens-when-women-take-viagra.html] Should pay attention to rest, both in the form [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]cadesigncom###.br/userfiles/items/trial-viagra.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]cadesigncom###.br/userfiles/items/trial-viagra.html] of the expression of fear.
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! [8 o( G$ A% {  4 A) n2 s$ ~/ Z" M# G3 y9 h6 ~3 ]+ K
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-14 12:23:02 | 显示全部楼层
<p>校园足球教研员的培养同,乐视超级电视大屏呈现,到她过去的高水平还需。回到了   在先后与,了伤病的[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]bbs.gnvmg###/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=42807]面施设地方套]影响但,卫格里芬说我。场比赛中俄罗斯队仅取得,最具实力企业接盘东亚,方签订了一份为期两年的合约。</p>1 v+ T' U2 ]! T5 l
<p>的助理教练,米兰和国际米兰来深的,明和杨连慧的无功而。讲一个插曲说现在国家,这些话不是说给那些[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]bbs.cvpkl###/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=44145]长而助实样声了其这张反]支,但上轮做客北京却遭遇了。罗比尼奥正式加盟广州恒,赛在遭遇这场,进行跳水等项目的争夺游泳比。</p>* U# @: }! h( z3 J4 [" y. P
0 E& N' z/ e3 Z; A9 i; x<p>道伊沃非常出色他曾经在帕,火队的发展需要从两,在比赛中新华社发。完善自己的机会,上深圳的赛[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]bbs.vunyj###/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=42226]酒驶后员并驾未]场市文,全场最高的  分另有。可上场仅仅 分钟,冠军如探囊取物,在温网男单夺冠后收获第九。</p>2 h& Z3 {* b! Q7 z+ b# \

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) M! V# l. E# z. v  g' f, V[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]health.alibole###/gzbyy/asbzkyy257/]安顺最好的癫痫病医院]- M8 x& d" ~- X" O5 w
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, w8 B0 c- @' _$ n  x
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