O Devarsi! All the Devas worship this Form. The devotees call Him by the name of Sanakarsana, as He is the manifested emblem of “Aham” and the common ground where the Seer and the Seen blend into one. He is the thousand-headed Controller of all, moving and non-moving; He is of infinite forms; He is S’esa; this whole universe is being held as a mustard bean on His head; He is of the Nature Intelligence and Bliss and He is Self-manifest. When he wants to destroy all this during the Pralaya, the very powerful Sankarsana Rudra, well arrayed with the eleven Vyhas, military (squadrons) arrangements, springs up from Him. k+ B* T$ h- R3 ^
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Whose mere Glance enables the Prakriti work Her Gunas in the Creation, Preservation and Destruction of this Universe! Him Whose nature has no beginning nor end; Who though One, has created all this Prapacha (the universe of fifive elements) as a covering to the tman (the True Self). He has made the Sat and Asat, out of his infifinite compassion, this universe, full of cause and effect, visible in His One and only one S’uddha Sattva nature where even the very powerful lion is imitating his Leel (Pastime), void of all defects, tobring under His control the minds of His own kinsmen. 1 }) i" w3 D7 j- - -" }! U6 Y1 S9 k. \: \* C
12. On one of the heads of the thousand-headed Lord lies like an atom, the terrestrial globe with all its mountains,rivers, seas and the living beings (inhabiting it),owing to the infiniteness of the immeasurable and innumerable exploits of the Almighty Lord,who can, even if endowed with a thousand tongues, hope to count completely all his herioc acts ? # A4 [% A! s: X# d37. The egg of the universe is enveloped by seven sheathsof the earth and other elements etc., each outer envelop being ten times the extent of the enclosure inner to it.8 f" y2 F. B0 Z8 u6 Z, K1 R
This egg-like universe together with millions and millions of other universes appears just like an atom on your head. Hence, you are called Ananta, the infinite.+ D" x9 g. o2 v. {1 G5 v& @( b; x; W
在千头主的一个头上,有一个原子,地球及其所有的山脉、河流、海洋和生物(居住在其中),这是由于全能主不可估量和无数的功绩,谁能,即使拥有一千种语言,能完全讲出他所有的壮举? 9 t) V) U' I! c0 z7 r% l: G' `' ^3 {" `宇宙的蛋被七层世界和其他元素等包裹着,每层外层的包裹面积是其内部包裹面积的十倍。( K' u+ \7 \0 f: X6 g