这货看不起文科生,因为它是学经济的,实际工作是“数发票”的,好专业的经济分析师啊。对了,经济学是理科、工科还是理工科呀?这货喜欢炒股,研究股票,但看它凭专业的经济学知识并没有在股票市场赚得盆满钵满。我表姐炒股,她不是学经济的,不过她炒股赚了钱,因为她的表哥是从事【航】【天】【卫】【星】工作的,叫我表姐买什么航天股票她就买,所以按她的话说“还是赚了一些钱”。她借出去十万块,目前还没收回来,我表姐说收不回来就算了。可想而知,她炒股赚了不少。我不炒股,我也不关心。怎么样啊?来钱是不是比你这个“专业学经济的”更快,且风险更小啊?你懂什么叫risk-free吗?一个“数发票”的,还扯上经济学。癔症!$ Z. u7 x( ]# B0 S Z5 L- ~
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数发票工作的:count the invoices and calculate the amounts carefully. You had better immerse yourself in your "economic" work to avoid an error. I want you to explain how to distinguish between "economic" and "financial". As you are a professional economic analyst, you must know the answer. You are such a clown trying hard to pretend to be an expert in the economic field, but you are actually mentally retarded. Aren’t you?