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发表于 2024-4-23 07:49:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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发表于 2024-4-23 07:49:53 | 显示全部楼层
“Our equity investments had a very strong return in the first quarter, particularly driven by the tech sector,” Trond Grande, deputy CEO of the fund, said in a statement.' e4 i& J4 Y# V/ E
The so-called Government Pension Fund Global, the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund, said it had a value of 17.7 trillion kroner ($1.6 trillion) at the end of the March.
' L$ W: H+ e6 \5 EOne of the world’s largest investors, Norway’s sovereign wealth fund was established in the 1990s to invest the surplus revenues of the country’s oil and gas sector.
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发表于 2024-4-23 07:50:19 | 显示全部楼层
Norway’s giant sovereign wealth fund on Thursday reported a first-quarter profit of 1.21 trillion kroner ($110 billion), supported by robust returns on its investments in technology stocks.* _( {1 V' D8 G2 a: u$ R, Q$ d
The so-called Government Pension Fund Global, the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund, said it had a value of 17.7 trillion kroner at the end of March.
1 L0 F+ b- q: \; i- n7 `It described the relative return through the first three months of the year as “good” for equity and fixed income investments, but noted that “this was offset by weak results from real estate, leading to a negative result overall.”) e, {0 Q8 ]; L) g6 W% i4 i' y
The return on the fund’s equity investments in the first quarter came in at 9.1%, while the yield on the fixed income investments stood at -0.4% and investments in unlisted real estate returned -0.5%.+ A# u  }2 w0 P8 t5 a0 I
Norway’s wealth fund said the return on its unlisted renewable energy infrastructure was -11.4%.! M' y4 m" p7 m  l( Q
The fund’s return was 0.1 percentage point lower than that of the benchmark index.
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发表于 2024-4-23 07:50:30 | 显示全部楼层
One of the world’s largest investors, Norway’s sovereign wealth fund was established in the 1990s to invest the surplus revenues of the country’s oil and gas sector. To date, the fund has put money in more than 8,800 companies in over 70 countries around the world.6 i- d. w. T. A9 y! o1 m& {
Trond Grande, deputy CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management, said in a statement that the fund’s equity investments had a “very strong return in the first quarter, particularly driven by the tech sector.”0 O" d0 G. h4 z/ W: X/ X" u
When asked by CNBC whether he was concerned about the recent weakness for some of the so-called Magnificent Seven U.S. tech behemoths, Grande said it appeared that market participants were now reassessing their outlook for these companies.
- V" Q! I3 m8 B1 h% H( sThe Magnificent Seven are Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia and Tesla.
" o# A, v; ]; f# N“We had the Mag[nificent] 7 last year, and it has turned into a little bit more of [a situation of] dispersed returns for those seven names this quarter, with Nvidia still pushing ahead on the back of the AI enthusiasm. And then you see some more weakness in other names like Tesla and Apple,” Grande told CNBC’s “Street Signs Europe” on Thursday.
  F0 e3 N$ n" E“So, obviously the market is taking a more nuanced look at these companies and their business models,” he added.
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发表于 2024-4-23 07:50:51 | 显示全部楼层
( G4 X* _6 d& i5 f0 X$ O/ N, [挪威主权财富基金是全球最大的主权财富基金,其管理着1.6万亿美元的巨额资金。据公告显示,该基金第一季度的整体投资回报率为6.3%,虽然落后于基金基准指数,但依旧取得了创纪录的季度回报。6 s$ o2 t+ O/ q. H0 D

$ S$ W' o0 d; D5 }% [% |* |8 ? 【活动】挪威主权基金2024q1净赚1100亿美元-1.jpg ; y( Z' B; A3 H+ z8 h) H+ v  m8 B$ p
0 s2 j3 l' Q3 b7 m1 h" l8 n具体来看,截至3月31日,该基金72.1%的资产配置在股票上,债券占比为26%,未上市房地产降至1.8%,可再生基础设施比例稳定在0.1%。
4 l6 J) o5 W6 V% U( y报告显示,该基金一季度的股票投资回报率为9.1%,固定收益投资回报率为-0.4%,而未上市房地产投资回报率为-0.5%,可再生能源基础设施方面的回报率为-11.4%。1 `+ Y) _* v0 c
该基金管理人挪威银行投资管理公司副首席执行官Trond Grande表示:“这是业绩非常强劲的一个季度,主要是由那些大型科技公司带来的,比如美股七巨头,特别是英伟达和微软。”
- R$ d/ L* D% I+ o. Y$ ^+ ^Grande补充道,英伟达正在制造AI的硬件,还有其他一些公司在探索如何应用这项新技术,也在考虑如何将其商业化,比如微软和Meta。2 B: M" j8 ^; L/ R$ [+ p3 O; X# V# }
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发表于 2024-4-23 07:50:58 | 显示全部楼层
/ y/ D4 G3 U& T$ t: P. u实际上,对于美股牛市还在持续,Grande承认有些意外,投资者将关注即将到来的财报季,以及业绩是否“符合预期”。* [  e& U0 }0 o- ^9 w! M
Grande指出,自第一季度末以来,市场有点紧张不安,美联储和其他央行的降息预期不断被打压,究其原因,是通胀“比预期更具粘性”。2 `8 Y+ b$ {' W3 I$ L3 [1 |
他表示,如果通胀不能持续回落,那么基准利率也可能是居高不下。对于伊朗和以色列之间的冲突,市场的反应“有些平静”,这可能是因为过去20年美国页岩油产量的增长,市场现在对中东资源的依赖程度有所降低。9 E0 W5 X! V- v/ x; v* M
Grande在谈到房地产时说:“过去24个月、甚至36个月都很艰难,但我们认为,这些投资看起来越来越有吸引力了。即使是现在或未来几年,我们也能在这样的市场环境中找到一些好的投资项目。”- Z8 \( s8 |1 G1 j+ \
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发表于 2024-4-23 07:51:23 | 显示全部楼层
4月18日,全球最大主权财富基金——挪威政府全球养老基金公布,受科技股强劲回报推动,首季度利润约8600亿港元。9 E! u6 r' a/ g' U- `
该基金在声明中指出,尽管股票投资表现强劲,但受疲软的房地产市场影响,整体业绩仍为负数。5 h4 ?- q+ e& c% ~0 c: z5 z
具体来看,股票投资收益年增9.1%,固定投资收益下降0.4%,非上市房地产投资收益下跌0.5%。; N  ]8 O' w$ p- L, I- v/ E# X
+ s7 z# R0 `3 S% e该基金成立于上世纪90年代,主要投资于全球70多个国家的8800多家公司,资金来源为挪威的石油收入。
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发表于 2024-4-23 07:51:33 | 显示全部楼层
) |. K* B. K7 T: V! `6 k# z, c
# ]! e) a1 m' B 【活动】挪威主权基金2024q1净赚1100亿美元-1.jpg
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