To read the tape have hobbies investment partner cities pay attention to market show that the software "disc" and "outer" of these two indicators, and that the disk is greater than that of the inner disc is strong, whereas the vulnerable, but reality did not so simple.: z: w: r8 @! [) A$ l, s3 F
The inner and the outer disk two statistical indicators by the software itself is not the sale of the plan, after figuring out. When software receives new data will clinch a deal price and displayed on a buy and sell the analogy, if the transaction price is less than or equal to buy, then response of volume is added to the disk index to, if the eve of the to or is sold, then corresponding volume is added to the outer disk index to. If in between inside and outside the disk half, so it is with an outer total volume. Because each communication site receive signals are different, so figuring it out the differences between software of the inner disk and the outer disk is different.' _9 ~7 s! d$ X- I
On the basis of the calculation method we should seem to trust, share price to fall outside the big big share price to rise. Nevertheless such know is relatively one-sided, for a smaller volume of small cap stocks following case is able to clarify the problem.
4 A1 y5 b" h" l' kAssumption: the day of the big plate fell by one percentage point.
0 I- Z+ j: o/ ~3 `' h, b+ G+ @Assumptions: the day of the stock rose across a percentage point.) p) M& z+ R( f5 I9 u& d5 R
An explicit assumption: the next night in the outer disk.8 D+ \( q) K2 ]: g2 X( u5 y" Z+ ]
The scenes that satisfy these assumptions are often presented in the disk. Because the next night was in the outer disk, so we tend to think that a lot of automatic selling, stock prices will fall. Benign cases is exactly such, but we still shall carefully examine the pending changes, which is the focus of our Kanpan.8 s2 A3 r; A7 Z
Because a small small disc, so Guadan price relatively large. Concern is that although disk ceaselessly but the stock and no obvious decline, we must this give a reasonable explanation.- |( _1 `1 m/ t; k: W* D. q
Like a stock at the moment to buy and sell the price is 10.46 yuan and 10.50 yuan. Selling gradually hit 10.43 yuan to buy, sell and have not changed, these are counted into disk in natural 7906. Then there is a large amount of the bill hanging in 10.44 yuan, to buy into 10.44 yuan. Then a few 7906 Zachu, buy a 10.43 yuan, the amount of natural duration is added to the inner disc. Later, a large sum of the eve of the bill is hung in the above 10.45 yuan, buy and sell for 10.45 yuan and 10.50 yuan.# q) B; C* Y# c* e
Above the pending changes in the sale of the day often present. It has been given the reasonable description, that is, there is a big single in absorb with night set down and thrown out of the throwaway, and is at a relatively high price. So in this case the conclusion on the contrary, the stock is likely to rise in the next year, although the night was in the outer disk., o' P4 k: h) Y+ X
For a smaller volume of small cap stocks as long as meet the above three hypotheses, then Nianye single Xichou conclusions can be established, nevertheless, accordingly, cannot be late to judge whether rose immediately.% `! L. w1 V7 x5 O
If we put the above three hypotheses upside down, the conclusion is just the opposite.
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