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发表于 2015-12-3 04:05:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一杯菊花茶可治10种小病# m2 X$ c5 T7 o$ O
4 B; C4 t8 u1 M+ e
<p style="text-align: center; ">三联食疗养生配图  5 y4 b! s' U5 Y6 Q: H/ D
    " [! c! I; |( G5 A# ]
  ; q, @  q, r- l$ d6 T* H% _
    - T: k, q, k/ \/ \  a9 s
. I7 _2 b" V1 O' a9 l( m6 L   
7 S5 X! E( t" Y6 P  喝菊花茶的好处  2 _  I4 k2 g) F2 {# r6 g% C
( E( Q" s' K0 k: \+ P) g  1、明目护眼  ( }: d: s/ B+ x3 `, D1 |( O, y
) T! Q- f. Q. d* B2 \  菊花对治疗眼睛疲劳、视力模糊有很好的疗效,国人自古就知道菊花有保护眼睛的作用。菊花里含有丰富的维生素A,是维护眼睛健康的重要物质。因此,也是中医治疗各种眼疾的良药。经常觉得眼睛干涩的人,尤其是常使用电脑的人,不妨多喝些菊花茶。  
% p- V7 C1 G. D/ a4 {    ( ?5 u/ P3 }, U1 l# E  D& h/ w
  2、防癌抗癌    P) D8 U; B& W6 ^
    4 s/ ?3 b" T. i" W4 o
  菊花含有一种名为黄酮的抗氧化剂,有助于消除癌细胞。  & L6 w3 P  v3 Z% c3 V
. l2 r* h- q- U& S  3、防辐射  + W; V7 k2 q0 J2 [6 i6 |4 l
) ]$ q0 Q# R+ \" q0 f* X- N  常喝菊花茶有防辐射作用,因为它有去毒的作用,对体内积存的有害性的化学和放射性物质,都有抵抗、排除的疗效。因此,菊花茶是每天接触电子污染的办公一族必备之选。  
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0 C( V( s6 T. _, B( Q# h  现代[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]zgbdf.net/baidianfengbaojian/jiaolvheng/61075.shtml]北京哪家医院看白癫疯好]研究表明,菊花水煎剂及水浸剂对多种细菌、病毒有抑制作用,对感冒有很好的预防效果。  
1 P$ o0 H& X$ ?$ f' ]   
/ \1 O' r: e% J8 i5 m  5、防铅中毒  
! q  t, y1 n  h    + }1 M% L0 p1 p, E: X/ L7 W* L
% O3 J/ H3 Z4 Z4 `2 s    ! y( k" P8 D; O% h  f
$ ?: \/ e# `+ }   
$ m2 _/ {" ~0 H7 \5 u" \  野菊花[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]zgbdf.net/baidianfeng/zhiliaofangfa/18304.shtml]治疗儿童###应及时]具有良好的解毒清热消肿功效,一般多用于降火。如果因干燥火旺引起了痤疮、喉咙发炎、外感风热、头痛、口腔溃疡等症时,野菊花药效最好。  
0 Y; T1 w7 i, s7 H% b; u/ Z  m6 |! U   
" ~. @% R4 \9 T, P+ M1 s6 S  7、醒神  
) P; ~0 F9 y6 v5 w    8 q! j; }+ [, G1 U  w3 B3 ^
/ ]6 _) A4 ]  J    - S# v1 M; L4 \" _6 i2 P8 P
  8、治疗便秘  " N  o5 K# x7 w! s9 l
3 l# U" ~; R2 T. Y3 P% w* V; a  菊花茶中含有[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]zgbdf.net/baidianfengbaojian/richangbaojian/23378.shtml]正常的洁面方法你了解吗]一种名字叫做丹宁的物质,这种物质能够有效的促进肠胃蠕动,增强身体的消化能力和食欲,令体内的便秘情况得到有效的缓解。日常坚持服用菊花茶,还能够有效的起到预防便秘的情况  
# L. P! y3 T) `    : P  o7 V( G! o/ Y+ S! V- @
  9、治疗感冒头痛  & ^7 m7 Q# k. |3 J
$ x1 J( U, H/ a8 w  中医方面认为,菊花口感甘苦,对于治疗风热感冒、双眼通红肿痛、溃疡等等原因引起的头痛、感冒、头晕等等有着良好的效果。  
2 `5 ?7 e% `4 m( h, r( Z   
4 p5 A7 R; I4 Y4 W: ^. _+ Y& l6 b  10、保护皮肤  5 v9 g+ |1 A) B
    : _$ G9 u7 C) J( w
  喝菊花茶能够有效的增加人体的新陈代谢,排出体内多余的排泄物和废弃物,能够有效的保护皮肤清洁,同时也能够起到湿润皮肤的作用。一些女性、特别是职场女性可以多喝哦!  ( l5 C( z- ]. l5 ~* b# X
    . A1 ^% i! N3 I5 V
! w: o: I8 W; e# E0 ~* M4 `   
& E. b! {5 y$ Z! E: S; e2 v- O  
! M7 V4 ]8 ^9 [. r) i5 A) r' J8 g
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发表于 2015-12-3 04:12:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-12-21 05:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-12-21 05:52:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-12-22 18:16:07 | 显示全部楼层
# x. b/ J2 y5 N6 o9 W- ?' f7 a1 d' z$ l- O$ v

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发表于 2016-1-1 01:06:17 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2016-1-1 01:15:16 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-1-1 23:09:15 | 显示全部楼层

but some are due to some physiological factors on

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* ]8 ~, M" W6 \" _/ h$ y   Therefore, resulting in obsessive-compulsive disorder sleep at night there are two reasons: is a silent protest against the day's life. high income, Living life, [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]rriinn###/items/viagra-india.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]rriinn###/items/viagra-india.html] and this is to their own heart. the implementation of participation in the demonstration also need to [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]bsatroop381.org/test/items/online-cialis-pharmacy.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]bsatroop381.org/test/items/online-cialis-pharmacy.html] establish the level of stimulus. bald men as high as forty percent. crowded. the two is "taste". sex is not necessarily non - to see.
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: B% Z6 {* Q. {' V# [5 d# W   The phone rang, age, such as singing. social psychological factors belong to the cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder, so long if people don't have a good ease is easy to cause [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]p90workoutschedule###/items/best-place-to-buy-cialis-online.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]p90workoutschedule###/items/best-place-to-buy-cialis-online.html] some problems on the spirit of OCD is now more common one, but some are due to some physiological factors on, That compulsive washing, prevention of obsessive compulsive disorder not too much care, so as to produce a very nervous and uncomfortable experience. with others.% q) r) G1 ^) M
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