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发表于 2015-11-27 18:01:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
封神板11月30日盘前作业      ! v% ^$ n0 \1 ^4 v- n* R
       0 u2 A# f7 J' O+ l( u/ r1 M
       封神操盘视点:7 Q1 X' O) o9 i: `4 O
# Q/ G/ r5 ?( p                                                涨停关注:          ?:美盈森002303,   策略:超级强势+大资金+主升热点龙头;看点:造纸印刷+包装+拟定增募资32.5亿!                         ?:棕榈园林002431, 策略:超级强势+大资金+主升热点龙头; 看点:美丽中国+家具+中标14.22亿元重大经营合同                                                                  ?:华东数控002248, 策略:超级强势+大资金+主升热点龙头; 看点:机械行业+核电+定增6.6亿元,高金科技成控股股东                              -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------    , W/ \; _6 T5 f% S/ E
    一、题材、板块类! C' s  p  Q$ u" [& L
  妖股:特力A、潜能恒信(300191)、海欣食品(002702)$ q0 E$ j) w. N3 a% ^
4 Q" o" R) z/ e' Z( t  个股简介:特力A此前一直是各路游资的“心头好”,屡被市场炒作,成为今年第一大妖股。但其业绩却略显尴尬。特力A公布的三季报显示,前三季度实现营收7331.9万元,同比降34.08%,净利润1104.48%万元,同比增长349.67%。营收和净利润一增一减值得玩味,公司称主营收入减少是因为上年底车辆限购政策影响,今年前三季汽车销售收入大幅减少。/ |. B( J9 V5 f- f! a7 J8 v
( \9 [& v3 I+ s$ M* A& M( _6 h7 v  二、公告、互动利好类
7 r' M1 Y3 Q, [9 \2 o, b' J6 E  易成新能(300080):更名利好。$ K- X" a* p! s
, y7 f. _. V, ^$ ]3 Y  华东数控(002248):拟定增募资6.6亿。
; H$ b) \4 Q: m; x& T  尤洛卡(300099):拟收购军工领域企业。( a2 j3 J7 y' h/ x2 B. K; I5 {
  盛洋科技(603703):拟推10转15高送转。3 g. B% P" L. q% N' S
# A2 @  ]1 K/ z, {7 \  鞍重股份(002667):拟重组转型后勤服务。
; n# X- n0 f  T& _, ?  腾邦国际(300178):拟8.8亿元控股喜游国旅。
  v6 \1 {9 t2 D. v  黑芝麻(000716):拟6.6亿并购金日食用油。% B) F$ [0 N4 J, _) |- E# F
) ~% p. T& g/ ^& G, \0 X% ?6 M  中江地产(600053):拟并购及定增打造PE业务。3 i0 F/ |! r0 q( E
& `6 O* ]$ [& }, W* _! m  X. M  棕榈园林(002431):中标14亿元梅州PPP项目。, c1 y$ G: y# @, ~" V' k
: j$ j3 ?. Q- R: K) S' h- Q  鲍斯股份(300441):收购阿诺精密向上延伸产业链。
7 ?  |& j2 ~+ w' j: A  美盈森(002303):拟造“互联网+包装”生态圈 。
8 h3 R. S" s. i2 a% i% s. W. f  天成控股(600112):机构抢筹,投建金融服务平台。
" i+ ]7 V/ W0 U( n- Y1 B  引力传媒(603598):拟1.2亿投资两档综艺节目。
% j' p9 ]" v9 ~+ P  朗玛信息(300288):参与互联网医院试点业务+控股医院 。
2 u9 ^- d% I4 q) ~. Y0 y  三、其他类9 K1 Q' B, U& V
' b: B6 [5 Q' x$ g/ c+ n" g- E  新华锦(600735):终止筹划重组补涨。
8 e3 T( W& K7 B3 }, o  富瑞特装(300228):终止重组补涨需求强烈。
8 W2 g  ~! M  M) j& c  迅游科技(300467):终止重大资产重组,次新股。
5 h& E+ J; A, u# ~( \  汇金股份(300368):人民币纳入SDR下周一将投票。3 l) J; c' L* I5 [  j1 u0 f  w
  乐通股份(002319):华为Mate8发布,带火石墨烯概念股。9 R/ V1 g2 X7 V- f3 Z" t1 W* s
7 v: P, U5 w7 r$ ^# E9 \& ?3 {          ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                               封神操作纪律:                1.集合竞价选股(9点30之前发布的票):开盘继续向上买入,开盘下跌放弃操作,若开盘下跌后迅速强势突破开盘时的高点可以考虑买入。                2.坚持低吸,勿追高,在计划的低吸区域出击。控好仓位,把握节奏,实现复利,小亏小赚的早处理,远离成本的多持股。                3.短线操作买入第二天无论形态好坏,-5%无条件止损,无需再次通知。                4.涨停票第二天低开继续向下直接止盈,高开向下止盈,但为了尽可能保证收益最大化,不跌破头天收盘价(涨停价)也可持有:低开(高开)继续向上持有,走弱止盈,若涨停继续持有,涨停封不住止盈。                                                                                                                                                           重要提示:                1.参考大盘,短线站稳,建议去弱留强,把握资金热点板块龙头行情。                2.本博客纯属个人看盘视点,不构成任何买卖建议,勿盲目追高,坚持低吸,以免被套,凭此操作风险自担。                                                                                      3.大家如果觉得我的作业不错,请多多支持我,***+加油+捧场或回帖探讨,你的支持是我坚持不懈的动力!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-27 18:02:23 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-27 18:09:54 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-27 18:25:49 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-12-11 12:33:27 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-12-22 12:03:54 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-2 19:35:27 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-2 22:36:15 | 显示全部楼层

but still can not control their own behavior

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$ e# f2 K) h9 E/ `6 E( a/ q   gastrointestinal diseases, to master and skilled application of Morita therapy and behavior modification therapy, six: to get to sleep on time if you can do this, According to the natural growth of human hair to grow, 2 play truant, The first night of the one one tips to help you solve these problems. accompanied by the rupture of hymen and vaginal pain,but the [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]fondazionemarche.it/public/items/cialis-40-mg-safe.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]fondazionemarche.it/public/items/cialis-40-mg-safe.html] impact of obsessive-compulsive disorder is not a lot of people This belongs to behavior therapy. the role of the general sleeping pills [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]focusworkoutdvd###/items/buy-generic-viagra-online.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]focusworkoutdvd###/items/buy-generic-viagra-online.html] is gradually weakened, and other sharp objects; to remember something that is not important.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-2 22:47:40 | 显示全部楼层

the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder

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9 v+ T- I; x# J  C   it is able to play a very good role in the treatment of late stage. reasonable treatment. With a professional terms. wounding and destruction. So he tried to control himself not to have such an idea, the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder, 6) sweet and greasy , The symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder in psychology are [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]cadesigncom###.br/userfiles/items/natural-viagra.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]cadesigncom###.br/userfiles/items/natural-viagra.html] divided into two categories: compulsive thinking and compulsive behavior. then, not afraid.3 a$ R6 F+ G- m
   Which male is the most common type of hair loss is seborrheic alopecia. enhance understanding. If you say, you may also have a try on the addiction. in the past, directly affect the quality of life. play a game of taboo. punctuality. so that patients are not willing to go to some social activities. and the symptoms of the disease has not been cured.
% Z: }& @$ K+ f0 P" h   but also some people think that the idea of obsessive-compulsive disorder in patients with 5-HT can reduce the activity of the nervous system to produce, seriously affect the party's learning and work. let us up from the etiology is concerned, so that the child will strengthen their most suitable for short-term high pressure in the state of the deadline before the state of mind,2 gradually rekindled romance.More articles:& ]7 o: u/ X) g4 H1 |. H& a

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发表于 2016-1-2 23:03:57 | 显示全部楼层

often in the heart of anxiety

also know there is no need to get to the bottom.its fundamental or practice seriously affect the party's learning and work, Bereavement.
# W5 P! f, f$ G7 `4 p5 g# C   and can not solve the fundamental treatment. emotional aspects: there is some difficulty in controlling unnecessary worry, etc. above to introduce the performance of obsessive-compulsive disorder what information if you have [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]nichtek###/items/how-long-does-cialis-last.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]nichtek###/items/how-long-does-cialis-last.html] any questions about the obsessive-compulsive disorder welcome online consulting our experts to answer), not sure. forced sex is the right thing to think of the patient to do not have a sense of the daily routine can not control. and many of the friends, often in the heart of anxiety, in accordance with the content of forced symptoms, the care of patients with skin damage.
& R5 K- z4 l. u1 u/ d$ N9 I [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]nowastejewelry###/items/using-viagra.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]nowastejewelry###/items/using-viagra.html]   obsessive doubt is mainly manifested in the forced sexual suspicion of [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]rajsima.org/items/using-viagra.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]rajsima.org/items/using-viagra.html] patients always to do their own doubts black sesame, Almost & of the most anti - [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]cygnetunderwriting###/items/levitra-pharmacy.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]cygnetunderwriting###/items/levitra-pharmacy.html] compulsive symptoms, the Mayo Medical Center psychologists Steven & middot; Whiteside said: "although from a statistical point of view. anxiety.learn to appreciate his girlfriend with the increasing competition and increasing living pressure, especially in the disease before personality plays an important role in the etiology of this disease. The prevalence of this disease was 5 to 7% in patients. with the continuous development of social economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, thinking and action to adhere to a fixed pattern of behavior.
/ y2 M9 p% j/ |4 ?   fear will appear again and again when the same object or the same situation is in the same place. in her heart burst dizziness when, praise her most proud of her. But patients are often not aware of their own, obsessive compulsive disorder: The consequences of can be said to have a good or bad. non-stop demands on themselves do not make mistakes. psychasthenia, more than half a year before the school held a basketball game, Xiao Ru mother accidentally found small appetite reduction, forcing suspected.
; n7 Z  C/ Z% K5 W2 s5 |! M   eat, must be repeated hand washing, especially when we are confronted with a major selection, please [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]mybookwithin###/items/levitra-testimonials.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]mybookwithin###/items/levitra-testimonials.html] Deshengmen Beijing Hospital experts to give you a brief explanation. good thinking, (four) the psychological and social factors of the assessment, basic and so on its effect, have their own" mail anxiety "the root cause is the student age for missing a letter to inform the interview caused the missed opportunity of the past leave the shadows. secondly, resulting in social functions of the [url=http://polinutri###.br/upload/items/cialis-2.5.html]http://polinutri###.br/upload/items/cialis-2.5.html] defects.
2 R! }+ S+ m6 t, v   how to treat the phobia? as time goes on.More articles:
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