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股价催化容易 发生 良机 捉住 时点

发表于 2015-9-9 13:11:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【第一私募论坛】www.simu001.cn】当我们买进或准备买进股票的时候实在已经知道股价不一定顿时会上涨,由于市场对于股价的熟悉还须要时间,所以在“攻略”中提出了一个“时点”的概念,就是当某个事务产生今后股价就会被市场合从头熟悉的某个时间点。这个“时点”从字面上来说是某个时间点,好比某年某月某一天,但股票市场上的某些事务不是忽然产生的,所以无法认定为某一天。它可能会是某一个时间段。显然,时点与事务亲密相关,是以要把握时点重要在于把握事务,就是在股票市场中可以或许影响股价的事务。 “攻略”的重要思维是寻找业绩高速增加但今朝预期PE过低的个股,在买进之后等候股价的从头定位,这时代存在一个时点,股价在此前后开始被市场合从头熟悉,然后上涨,直到我们预期中的价位出现再卖出。显然,导致这一时点出现的事务应当是可以或许被市场合公认的。g>
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  这些事务包含但不限于以下事务:! d1 F0 t9 e+ c( W- ?' ]! ^  A

# a3 I1 ^4 r1 o- P  通知布告:包含公司预盈或预增通知布告;公司业绩晋升的季报、半年报或年报;公司一次性收益的通知布告;公司博得讼事的通知布告;公司重组顺遂推动甚至成功的通知布告等等。 要留意的是,这些通知布告中不包含增发通知布告、重组预案通知布告等等至少在一年内不会晋升公司业绩的通知布告。我们并不是鄙弃这些通知布告,现实上这些通知布告是我们在选择公司时所必需看的,不过此刻我们已经持有的┞封些公司一般不会出现这类通知布告。通知布告事务可以判断在某一天,但现实影响可能会提前,究竟我们还不能保证在此之前新闻不被流露。所以通知布告出台这个事务产生的时点概况上是某一天但现实上会提前,它应当是一个时段。题材:好比送转股题材。
1 g2 w9 d" W- H' U5 g4 e  Z- h1 x. c) M" O6 P4 Q
  这是每年事末年头的市场惯例性题材,甚至有投资者总结过,假如寻求风险最小化,那么每年做一次送转股行情就可以了。实在这也是一种特定的投资计划,它也合适某些特定的投资者。 今朝已经年末,所以很多中小盘成长股开始被市场从头发掘和定位,其原因就在于公司拥有大批的成本公积金,总股本又相当小,加上客岁没有进行过股本扩大,有些基本就是上市不到两年甚至不到一年的次新股,是以送转股的可能性大大增加,市场就会很自然的形成像这样一种题材。题材类的事务很难判断在那一天,所以这个事务影响的时点也应当是某个时段。g>研讨陈述:即机构推出研讨陈述。( o7 a0 K# u' L8 r/ b
  好公司必定是会被提前发现的,所以股价往往等不到公司报表出来就会被从头定位。尽管今朝市场上持久关注公司的通俗投资者也很多,但小我在市场上的影响力是极其有限的,这才给了我们在低位买进股票的机会。 但机构的研讨陈述影响力就会大很多,特别是当数家机构在差未几时间段内对统一家公司推出看多的研讨陈述的时候其影响力就很是大了。一家公司正常的业绩增加是不会逃过研讨员的眼睛的,是以一旦公司业绩增加的远景明白则研讨员就会推出研讨陈述,从而引起市场对于股价的从头熟悉,导致股价从头定位。不过在研讨陈述推出的背后是否有机构的交易行动我们并不知道,所以有时候在研讨陈述出来之前股价就已经显明上扬了,是以这个时点并不一定是研讨陈述出台的日子,可能会提前一些,它也是一个时段。当我们持有股票今后必定要特别关注“时点”是否已经“触发”,这对于进一步修改我们的卖出计划有主要意义。股票论坛 www.simu001.cn【第一私募论坛】www.simu001.cn】
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 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-27 20:21:54 | 显示全部楼层
When we buy or ready to buy stock, it has been known that stock prices will not necessarily rise, because the market is familiar with the stock will have to time, so in the Raiders put forward a point of the concept, that is, when a transaction will be the future of the stock market to be familiar with a certain time point. This "point" is literally a time point, like a month of a certain year, but some of the stock market is not suddenly produced, so can not be identified as a day. It could be a time period. Obviously, the time and the transaction is closely related, is to grasp the important point in the transaction, that is, in the stock market can affect the stock price. The important thinking is to find the performance of high speed increase but the current expectations of PE shares, waiting for the stock price after the purchase, the existence of a point in time, the stock price in the market before and after the beginning of the familiar, and then rise, until we expect the price to sell. Clearly, the transaction should be considered in the time point may be recognized by the market. G>/ d+ J5 a- A1 V  c" o8 ]! B& b
These transactions include but are not limited to the following:
* C# J% O8 @$ L& n6 ]8 G6 kNotice: including company Yuying or yejiyuzeng notice; firm performance promotion of quarterly, semi annual or annual report; one-off gains announcement; company to win lawsuit announcement; corporate restructuring smoothly promote success or even the announcement and so on. Note that these are not included in the notice of the issuance of notice, restructuring plan notice, etc. at least one year will not be promoted to the company's performance notice notice. We and not disdain the announcement, reality on the announcement is we in the choice of the company required to see, but at the moment we have been holding the sealing these companies generally do not appear this kind of announcement. Notice notice board can be judged on a certain day, but the real impact may be in advance, we can not guarantee that the news before the news is not revealed. So it is a time for a date to be notified of the date when the transaction is created. The theme is: dividend theme.
( L+ n, A- [" P  K  t2 w# O6 M& a4 ]/ ZThis is the market practice subject every year. At the end of the year, and even investors concluded, if seek to minimize risk, then each year a time to send the conversion market. It is also a specific investment plan, it is also suitable for some specific investors. Eras have been the end of the year, so a lot of small cap growth stocks began to be market from hair driving and positioning, the reason is that the company has a large number of costs provident fund, the total share capital is quite small, and last year no capital to expand, some basic is listed in less than two years or even less than a year of time shares, is to send the possibility of conversion increased significantly, the market will naturally formed such a theme. Matters are difficult to judge in the event that day, so the impact of the transaction should also be a time period. G> research presentations: the Agency introduced the research report.
* @8 r% n7 T. g. kGood company is bound to be found in advance, so the stock price is often not the company will be out of the report will be re positioning. Although the current market for a long time to focus on the company's popular investors are also many, but the personal influence in the market is very limited, which gives us the opportunity to buy stocks in the low. But institutional research report influence will be much larger, especially when several institutions in almost time period of unified company launched research report bullish when the influence is very big. A company's normal performance increase is not to escape the eyes of the researchers, is to increase the company's performance once the vision of the seminar will launch a research statement, which caused the market for the stock price, resulting in the stock price from scratch. But in the discussion of whether there is a mechanism behind the launch of the transaction, we do not know, so sometimes in the discussion before the stock price has been revealed to rise, is not necessarily the time to discuss the presentation of the day, may be ahead of time, it is also a time period. When we hold stocks in the future must be particularly concerned about the "point" is already "trigger", which is the further modification of our plan to sell the main significance.
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