911之后,我们看到的是震惊,惊骇,伤心的美国人。但是你有没有想过这背后那夺目标美国人?资笔器义社会的本质就是款项至上,让我们来更深条理的看看资源社会下假如通过国难来敛财。* x$ ]7 C/ \" J C
8 x& `0 H: q/ e% s& {+ H. r' fRed, white, blue, and green: In 2000, Americans bought about 40 million U.S. flags. In 2002, that number spiked to 100 million, according to the National Flag Foundation. In 2005, an eBay seller allegedly auctioned off a flag that survived the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon for $371,000 to an anonymous buyer in Minnesota.
6 X/ o% \1 f3 _" J. ]$ j' t6 F
5 C5 |, ^+ I7 ^1 O 红,白,蓝,绿:在2000年,美国人总计购买4万万面美国国旗。但据美国国旗基金会证实,2002年这个数字飙升到1亿。在2005年,一位eBay卖家通过拍卖的方式将一面五角大楼911打击中幸存下来的国旗以37000美元的代价卖给一位明尼苏达的买家。
4 B S1 m( z. E+ ~% {+ j5 X2 M! B% ^& L8 n" d
September 11: The Movie: It took five years for Hollywood to lose its qualms about tackling 9/11, but by the spring of 2006 the terrorist attacks had made their way to the multiplex. United 93, released that April, was a critically well-received imagining of the events aboard the fourth hijacked plane, whose passengers managed to overpower their captors and crash the aircraft in a Pennsylvania field. But the highest-grossing entry, with $163 million to its name to date, was Oliver Stone's World Trade Center, the first 9/11 film set in New York. Starring Nicolas Cage and Maggie Gyllenhaal, the film follows two Port Authority police officers over the course of the day of the attack. Stone, known for his penchant for conspiracy theories, told the New York Times that World Trade Center was "not a political film ... It seems to me that the event was mythologized by both political sides, into something that they used for political gain."
b& a/ S; y F* n
! E R/ i" p8 q4 ^5 U7 }* q% ^, ~. _4 P 关于9月11号的影戏:好莱坞在憋屈了五年之后才消除了本心的不安开始陈诉911,但是2006年春天的可怕打击让他们的方式更加多样化。当年4月上映的《93航班》陈诉了第四艘被挟制飞机上发生的一个细密筹谋广受接待的故事——机上搭客乐成克制住劫机可怕分子并控制飞机在宾夕法尼亚州的安定上坠毁。但在这个主题上创造最高票房记录的是Oliver Stone执导的《世贸中央》,这是第一部在纽约拍摄的911影戏票,房收入到达1.63亿美元。该片由Nicolas Cage和Oliver Stone出演,影片由两位打击当天巡逻的港务局警员的视角睁开。钟爱诡计论的Stone告诉纽约时报的记者,《世贸中央》不是一部政治片,在我看来这个变乱被双方的政治气力所秘密化并被用作资助政治运动了。# ~7 o1 q; c( T6 o0 M6 I- q
$ I; s7 M6 S% _! vThe long tail of tragedy: September 11-themed products debuted at Nathan Harkrader's New York-based NYCwebStore to high demand in 2002, quickly becoming the top-selling product line. Since then, sales of merchandise commemorating the tragedy have consistently decreased, though Harkrader sees a spike in sales around each anniversary. In large part, demand for 9/11- and FDNY-themed goods isn't coming from the metropolitan New York area. "Mostly from the South and the Midwest and Europe," Harkrader said.
4 ]( J5 ?5 j. s* c- Q! L
! p' D3 |; G9 |* a1 _. ` 悲剧的长尾理论:2002年以911为主题的商品初次在Nathan Harkrader基于纽约的在线市肆NYWebStore登场,就受到广泛接待,灵敏成为贩卖量最大的产物系列。固然在每次周年吊唁日Harkrader都能遇到一次销量的峰值,但是至此之后关于大悲剧的商品销量总体上在不停镌汰。”团体来说,911产物的和纽约消防局相干吊唁品的需求量大部分不是来自纽约如许的多数市地区,而是来自美国中西部,南部以及欧洲。“Harkrader如是说。
% L- b( m; M! ^2 y' h+ z3 K8 w8 z# e) l/ G8 l8 s- m% x
NYCwebStore's skyline snow globes included the twin towers until 2004, but have since changed to reflect the post-September 11 skyline. "When people are looking for a snow globe with a skyline, they either want the twin towers or they don't," Harkrader said. "That's still something that's very much on their minds."
: l3 N3 j3 D4 Z3 L- G
: v# D8 x! g/ d1 B3 u& y W NYCWebStore的天涯线玻璃球产物包罗了到2004年为止的双子楼,至此之后改为反映后911时期的天涯线。“当人们想要一个天涯线玻璃球时,他们要么想要尚有双子楼的,要么想要没有双子楼的,”Harkrader说。“他们尚有新的需求。”/ r$ a& a9 V: `! M) H
6 |4 S, k- A& cRadio corps: Country singer Toby Keith didn't actually intend to release his pugilistic post-9/11 anthem "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue (The Angry American)" on a CD, preferring to perform it live for troops gearing up for the invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001. But the Pentagon higher-ups, he says, changed his mind. In an interview with 60 Minutes, Keith said that Marine Corps Commandant James L. Jones -- now President Barack Obama's national security advisor -- told him, "You have to release it. You can serve your country in other ways besides suiting up in combat. We will go kick their butts. But we survive on morale."
# g k ~4 D, x3 k7 f
& p. @0 ~( @& @& F1 x. v 电台雄师:墟落歌手Toby Keith原来并没有筹划通过CD发布他的拳头唱片后911的赞歌:“红白蓝的美德Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue(专辑:愤怒的美国人)”,他原筹划在2001年末为主张向阿富汗开战的游行人群现场演奏。但是据他透露,五角大楼的高层职员改变了他的想法。在一次60分钟的采访中,Keith表现,陆军司令James L. Jones(现奥巴马总统的国家安全顾问)告诉他,你应该发布你的唱片。除了走向战场,你可以通过更多其他的方法来资助你的国家。我们将去把他们打的屁滚尿流,但是我们的斗志永世存在。
! z3 R4 G1 o. T
2 U& f. F& |3 z4 X2 TIt turned out that Keith could not only survive on morale himself, but live pretty well on it: In the year after he released the song, the singer -- whose sales had been middling at best before 9/11 -- raked in more than $45 million from his music. "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue" peaked at No. 1 on the Billboard top country list, and Keith's 2003 follow-up album "Shock'N Y'all," which included "The Taliban Song" and was the ninth best-selling album of the year, with 2.3 million copies sold. But belligerence wasn't the only emotion that did well on the post-9/11 charts. Keith's 2002 album "Unleashed" was narrowly outsold by Bruce Springsteen's sorrowful 9/11-themed "The Rising." And although Keith's love for the troops never faded, his enthusiasm for overseas entanglements did; in 2007, he said that he had never supported the Iraq war, and was in favor of setting a time limit on the conflict.
+ z( z& L$ r& m& R* E8 x) {& X J! Z" b! i* [) W5 A2 E" ?2 ]
而事变发展到厥后就是Keith不光本身长期保持着斗志,而且通过这过上了好日子:这位在911之前最好销量壹泵η中游程度的歌手,在他发过这首歌曲的那一年,通过他的音乐共计敛财4千5百万美元。“Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue”在天下排行榜上高居第一,而Keith在2003年接续发布的唱片“Shock’N Y‘all”,唱片中包罗了“The Taliban Song(塔利班之歌)”。该唱片为当年卖出2300万份,销量排名第九。但是后911的购物车中“好战性”不是唯一的感情。Keith 2002年的专辑“Unleashed”被放入Bruce Springsteen的伤心911主题专辑“The Rising”中贩卖。只管Keith对队伍的热爱并没有退去,但他已被外洋的胶葛弄的身心俱疲。2007年,他表现他从没有支持过伊拉克战争,而且他非常附和对伊拉克辩说设定一个时间限定。. H9 U# m( ^0 E! I
9 S. m5 c/ B% i0 @8 a2 T1 [September 11: The Bollywood Movie: In July, Walkwater Media released Tere Bin Laden, a Bollywood comedy about a Pakistani journalist who finds an Osama bin Laden look-alike and tricks him into making a faux al Qaeda video in order to raise funds to immigrate to the United States, "the land of Coke and bikinis." The satire -- which was banned in Pakistan -- has made a surprising amount of money, especially considering its budget of just $1.2 million. In its first month, it grossed $3.2 million at the box office and slightly less than $1 million in nontheatrical revenues such as satellite and home video sales, and music rights.
% W4 x: p& {- P3 n h6 a d' ~9 A' I- O, }4 X% P
宝莱坞的911影戏:6月,Walkwater Media发行了影戏《特雷本拉登》。该片是一部宝莱坞笑剧,陈诉了一个巴基斯坦记者发现了一位很像奥萨马本拉登的人,并骗取他拍摄了一份假的基地构造录像来收敛财帛,借机移民美国。《可乐和比基尼之地》,这部在巴基斯坦被禁的作品,尤其思量到它的资笔苹有120万美金,它赚取了巨额的资金。在它面世的第一个月,它就得到了320万的票房结果。而且它在卫星家庭影像,音乐版权等方面的收益也几近100万美元。
; k' A% p, p# o1 E4 M& |8 k2 A" ]! A T; }: O J* K* @. \0 [
The art of war: Thomas Kinkade works quickly. The painter, known for his wildly popular mass-produced landscape paintings, turned out his 9/11 tribute, The Light of *******, just 13 days after the attacks. Unveiled during a TV broadcast, sales of the image reached $250,000 in the first hour, according to Kinkade's publisher. Proceeds benefited the Salvation Army's Ground Zero relief efforts. The image was replicated on pocket watches and garden flags and can still be found at Kinkade's online store. $ H' f1 L) C$ o4 w, a4 a, X
. a- D/ [2 n$ ]# u: i. r* B
战争的艺术:Thomas Kinkade动作非常快。这位因风景画而着名的画家在911发生13天之后就发布了他的911吊唁作品:自由之光。据Kinkade的出书商说,该作品在电视上所初次公开,在之后的一小时销量到达25万份。之后这幅作品得益于救世军构造的信奉效应。这幅图片被复制到口袋手表和花圃中的旗帜上,而且如今在Kinkade的在线市肆中仍有贩卖。
. Z; O* B+ W) P* R$ ?3 m, f& {# Z* _
& X/ Q$ {& e5 `America's consultant: Dubbed "America's mayor" on account of his confident response to the 9/11 attacks, Rudy Giuliani profited significantly in the years that followed. His presidential campaign may have tanked, but he still ended up with a best-selling book, a $9.2 million speaking tour, and Giuliani Partners, a blue-chip consulting firm. According to the New York Times, prior to 9/11, Giuliani claimed to only have $7,000 in assets under his control. By 2007, he had amassed a net worth of $30 million. But all good things must come to an end: Earlier this month, Giuliani Partners, whose business had suffered after Giuliani's failed White House bid, closed its Times Square office and moved in with Giuliani's law firm's office in Midtown Manhattan.
% Q4 O+ L, k, t! I
$ E; w. I- f d, Y% [0 @/ P 美国的顾问:由于对911攻击自大的回应,被称为“美国的市长”的Rudy Giuliani在之后的一年收入颇丰。固然说他的总统竞选筹划泡汤了,但末了他仍旧劳绩了一本最脱销册本,一次代价9200晚美金的巡回演讲,和Giuliani Partners,这个一流的顾问公司。据纽约时报报道,在911之前,Giuliani宣称本身只有代价7000美元的财产。但是停止2007年,他共计积累了3000万美元的财产。但是乐极生悲:这个月早些时间,Giuliani Partners公司在白宫的竞标中失败之后关闭了他们在期间广场的办公室并搬进了Giuliani在曼哈顿市中央的法律公司的办公室。
% [& `- o9 _% R- E' L. ?* U* e
- d7 u. A; W0 s% L [6 l2 XSeptember 11: The Rock Opera: Some 9/11 cash-ins beg the question, "Too soon?" Others beg the question, "Why at all?" Case in point: Earlier this month, Clear Blue Tuesday premiered in New York. It's a film about 11 New Yorkers coping in the aftermath of 9/11. By singing.
% {' u: O d5 y" g" v$ L
8 w5 a/ D5 {# F9 a- q# m/ e 911的摇滚歌剧:一些观望主义者质疑道:“这是否太快了”。而其他人会质疑:“这到底是为什么?”一个很好的例子是:本月初,Clear Blue Tuesday在纽约初次公演。这部影戏陈诉了关于11个纽约人通过歌唱的方式重新表明911的余波的故事。
* M' x4 U. p) } o3 ]- W
' G9 F$ E" P. S FShot over 19 days on location in New York in 2007, the low-budget film isn't ostensibly about the attack itself, which occurs off-camera in the opening scene. Instead, it checks in with the characters as each year's anniversary of the tragedy passes. Songs include "Help Me Help You," "Spank It" (a hair-metal song), and "Reckless," in which one character imagines marrying an alien in outer space. The director, Elizabeth Lucas, told the New York Times that she thinks other 9/11 films are "overly ponderous about the topic." The musical genre, she says, allows for "finding the release and the perspective to look at ourselves and laugh at our tragedies."+ F1 {8 c: {4 b/ a* _" o6 w
8 F: c7 p+ W1 B7 t! S1 E: L0 {4 S
影片与2007年在纽约取景拍摄了19天,这部低资源的影片外貌上看与911共计无关,在开幕中陈诉的满是无关的故事。作为替换,影片在每次悲剧周年吊唁时不停审阅脚色。歌曲包罗“Help Me Help You”, “Spank It”(一首盛行金属歌曲)和“Reckless”(歌中一个脚色想象本身与一个外星在外太空完婚)。导演Elizabeth Lucas告诉纽约时报的记者,其他911系列的影戏“在陈诉这个主题的时间都太过极重”。这种音乐风格,让你可以找到一种开释并找到一种审阅我们本身对我们的悲剧发笑的视角。! Q# Q- y! g: r. e
- o/ y+ N" n# e9 ]8 [
Crash test dummy: The Osama bin Laden mania of the immediate post-9/11 period -- which saw bin Laden toilet paper and urinal cakes flying off the shelves in the United States, and a brisk business in more admiring paraphernalia in U.S.-unfriendly corners of the Muslim world -- has subsided along with the al Qaeda mastermind's public profile. But al Qaeda's #1 remains a powerful rallying symbol of resistance against the United States for extremists around the world. Above, a computer game -- purchased by Evan Kohlmann of Flashpoint Global Partners at a market stall outside the entrance to the King Fahd Mosque in downtown Sarajevo, Bosnia -- called "Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002: World Trade Center Edition" promises you "the ride of your life." It's a safe bet that Microsoft's lawyers wouldn't be thrilled.
# G% E2 K% {0 w
9 f+ c" t5 `' U) t5 a2 K+ p4 L( s. t) _ 捏造坠机测试:在后911时期立刻出现了奥萨马本拉登热——我们在美国可以发现印有本拉登的厕纸,小便池和蛋糕大面积的脱销。而在美国,这个天下上对穆斯林极不友好的角落,灵敏的商家在各种用具上印上基地构造的标志,这只到基地构造头目标档案被公开之后才徐徐平息,只管基地构造的一号人物仍旧是全天下反抗美国的非常主义者一个标志性气力。除此之外,由Flash Point Global Partners在Sarajevo,Bosnia市中央King Fahd mosque门口购买的游戏“微软模拟飞行2002:世贸中央版”,答应让你体验“生命的旅程”。我敢赌钱微软的状师看到这之后不会高兴的。" l3 {# I$ i3 b- I' n5 A" U' ?
; P: Y1 b: K2 |* l2 }! K
: t( j6 E6 V' Q4 [- uTourist trap: Less than six months after 9/11, out-of-state tour companies began including Ground Zero on their chartered bus tours of New York. For $15, tourists could join a Pennsylvania-based tour company, NYC Vacation Packages, for a three-hour walking tour of the area. Baltimore's Golden Ring Travel began running "Patriot Tours" that covered New York's role in the American Revolution, along with visits to Ground Zero. Today, the Ground Zero site remains a popular tourist destination and is included on tours through most New York tour companies, alongside the Statue of Liberty and other well-worn destinations. "It's a really popular spot," said one OnBoard New York Tours employee. "It's something people still really want to see." % g$ F) w6 Q- d5 J- d3 M, J
4 z$ O! i$ k$ `
旅游陷阱:911发生之后不到6个月,国外旅游公司开始了他们的途径爆炸所在的特许巴士游纽约的业务。只需15美元,游客就可以加入一个在宾夕法尼亚州的旅游公司创办的纽约沐日观光套餐——一次长约3小时的地区步行游览。Baltimore的Golden Ring观光社开始了名为“爱国者之旅”的行程,该观光门路覆盖了纽约在美国革掷中的脚色,爆炸所在等。本日,事发所在仍旧是一个热门的旅游目标地,而且它也被参加了绝大部分纽约旅游公司的旅游线路当中,与自由女神像和其他的着名景点其名。“这真是一个热门的景点”一位纽约上市旅游公司的用工说:“这是人们仍旧非常想看的东西”。7 ^) b% C6 M1 g2 v
0 N+ u$ }# ]5 Y A; ~
Have you forgotten? In 2004, the National Collector's Mint, a company that manufactures collectable coins, got in trouble with then-New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer for misleadingly marketing its ******* Tower silver dollar, a coin commemorating 9/11, in a way that suggested it was legal U.S. tender (it wasn't). Undeterred, the company has already released its 10th anniversary World Trade Center commemorative proof, more than a year ahead of the actual anniversary. The silver plating on the coins, the company says, was "actually recovered from the vaults beneath the ashes of Ground Zero." It might be worth double-checking on that before you buy one.
+ X% l0 k9 j' K/ p1 }9 B `2 W
Q( }; U2 u2 B" L6 Y6 y 你是否忘记?在2004年,国家收藏者造币厂(一家制造具有收藏代价硬币的企业),由于通过宣称硬币已经被美国政府投标错误的导向自由塔的美元银币(一种吊唁911的硬币)市场,被纽约司法部长Eliot Spitzer找上门来。在没有任何拦阻的环境下,该公司已经发布了他的第十批世贸中央周年吊唁套装,比现实的周年吊唁时间早了一年。据公司发言人说,硬币上镀的银着实是爆炸现场废墟内里的顶层提取出来的。大概你在买之前应该再三查抄一下这是不是真的。 |