Michael Brush是纽约的一位财经作者,结业于哥伦比亚商学院, 为纽约时报,款子(Money)杂志及经济学人(Economist)等撰写商业和投资类文章,也是"来自投资一线的教导"(Lessons from the Front Line)一书的作者.近来他写了篇"华尔街的五大谎话"(The five biggest lies on Wall Street),感觉蛮有原理,节选翻译过来,以供参考; `6 x: L4 f. v$ B
These are the tenets you counted on for years, like 'buy and hold' and heed the advice of 'experts.' Keep these whoppers in mind as you plan your financial future.
, `) B0 r' E- y5 t2 k在已往数年里, 你依靠过诸如"买进,然后持有"及服从专家的发起等这些信条.在将来投资的时间,牢记这些弥天大谎
" ?- s9 A+ k( D" S" k/ ?( F- `: I" pIf you had any money in stocks in the past few years, you might be feeling pretty dumb right now -- since you're down more than 40% on those "investments."" L( ^2 V$ W+ C# ~* [. i# A' n5 a
. E9 v6 T8 J' S. Y) OBut stop being so hard on yourself. Yes, you probably should have pulled more money out in time.3 u( E! r( a6 X" \6 i8 Y1 x; m
然而,就此罢手,很难.是的,你大概应该及时抽身$ O0 f3 x' Z* f
Big Lie No. 1: The market will take care of everything1 J6 _5 m# z& ?6 K0 i" F
9 q0 L' Y3 d6 u8 ^谎话1: 市场将搞定统统
4 S8 h0 \3 J' P& z' R9 O& FRemember Ronald Reagan's line, "Government isn't the solution to our problems; government is the problem"? The Gipper may have had some great political insights, but the train wreck in the market shows this one wasn't one of them |