媒介关于本书的赞誉(1) M# S, l6 t. A& q6 w7 D% N1 d, m6 E0 [
2 o, O* W! ]$ ^! c
1.来自乐成和理财的各人们(From Masters)
. M; [/ R8 u- D# M$ \# r; k ●险些全部的乐成学、自我鼓励和理财致富的各人们都曾经对本书赞不绝口,包罗但不限于拿破仑·希尔、戴尔·卡内基、博恩·崔西、罗伯特·清崎……他们无一例外地把本书列为乐成励志的必读书,至少与《思索致富》、《天下上最巨大的倾销员》、《富爸爸,穷爸爸》等脱销经典中分秋色,等量齐观。 + n; x* [$ F1 _3 v( |: g# @4 f- h
; k% t+ Z6 k! V# f3 N- \- V: @& h# A ———拿破仑·希尔 , g0 C& V0 t) ^9 ?# ~3 \
I often give this book out as a gift whenever a person younger than me asks for my advice on money. I always present this book to them saying if you read it and do as it says, it will work magic. It really contains excellent, time tested advice, and would make a good gift for someone in their early 20s who is on their own for the first time, and struggling. + j, U, F8 v/ _6 l1 H2 \2 ]
———Napleon Hill
! T- Y! c5 G9 J6 {8 f 2.来自本书各版的编辑们(From Editors) , G% x: _( E, w' c6 m5 @: ~7 k8 {
+ s( t) Q% w8 R$ } Million of readers have been helped by the famous “Babylonian Parables”.
- a4 q/ Z$ f+ s. \ ^ ●这是一本卓然出众的理财图书。它通过显现11个开导财产乐成之路的古巴比伦传说,而成为一本个人理财题目的激动民气的指南。 ( l, N) W1 [+ S4 L3 k
It is an excellent financial book. An inspirational guide to personal money problems which presents eleven ancient Babylonian tales revealing the way to finan cial success. 5 E! _; [8 }2 b
& M' G i( W# v) n This book holds all the secrets to acquiring money, keeping money, and making money earn more money.
7 N3 o, s; B% w( u! d ●总而言之:这是一本脱销千万册的鼓舞民气的经典名著。在全部以节俭和理财操持为主题的励志著作中,本书被公以为最佳之作。这本闻名的脱销书对个人理财题目提供了明白和办理方案。这本最受人喜好的款子管理原著至今仍然是最好的。
# E2 a1 j+ V: O( _( s6 X3 a$ R% f* O Book Description: The inspiring multi-million-copy bestselling classic. It′s been hailed as the greatest of all inspirational works on the subject of thrift and financially nancial planning. This celebrated bestseller offers an understanding of-and a solution to-personal money problems. The original money-management favorite is still the best!
# ?" r8 U/ X& A 3.来自亚马逊网站(From Amazon.com) 7 S) H9 ?, K' Y& F3 Z
●我盼望我在20岁的时间就能读到此书。这本普通易懂的著作通报了无比强盛的信息。当我的侄子从大学结业的时间,我送给了他这本书,我盼望他有充足的聪慧来阅读和运用这些课程。 - [1 A/ S: R$ w0 [* X0 i
I wish I had read this book when I was 20. This simple, easy to read book de livers a powerful message.When my Nephew graduated from college, I gave him a copy of this book. I hope he′s wise enough to read it and apply the lessons.
% K* X) d0 d2 Q+ d ●这绝不是一本只读一遍就丢在一边的书,你须要翻来覆去地阅读,直到这些头脑浸透在你的意识和潜意识之中,而且酿成风俗。如许你就会取得一些真实的成绩。
2 B! r7 c, ~8 V+ w, | This is NOT a book that you will want to read only once and put away, you will NEED to read this over and over untill the ideas saturate both your conscious and subconscious minds and until the ideas become habits. Then you will achieve some real results. 7 `' B" d# e2 s4 b8 a: w8 |# Z
$ j9 K/ R9 C n& n, g, a It contains powerful information , will teach you the philosophy of the wealthy. And how you can achieve great wealth in any economic condition. This great book should be mandatory reading in schools. I submit that if it was, we would have a financially nancially stronger America. ! m" U: q- g3 n; A
& W5 N- u$ C. W Someone tried to GIVE me this book when I was 14 years old. Sadly, I didn′t have the sense to see how valuable this book was. It would be another 12 years before I finally sat down to read it. It drives me nuts to this day that I wasted those 12 years!( x$ k' I3 C3 U( c
) G. ?( U W# d8 n ●盼望我是18岁而不是30岁时才读到此书。数年前我阅读此书后就不绝开始起首为自己存钱。我简直是如饥似渴,等我的女儿们轻微大一些的时间,我将作为催眠故事为她们阅读此书。 4 x- U8 H2 c! ~4 b# m8 V
I wish I had read this when I was 18 instead of when I was 30. I read this several years ago and have been paying myself first ever since. I can′t wait to read this to my daughters as a bedtime story when they are old enough. $ ~4 ^5 x" c/ {/ ~
2 K" _- m7 [4 x: }1 j9 K3 r6 n I first heard about this book 17 years ago and have to admit, I hated it! I thought it was stupid, like feel good stuff that has no substance. But Mr. Rohns words of wisdom kept echoing in my mind. So I read it over and over until the principles were imbedded into my mind. Soon, after the fifth reading, the principles became habits for me. My wealth accumulated at a very rapid rate. I was no longer wasting money. |