18岁放弃高考专职投资,传言称早年间至少获利20亿;其旗下基金往往逆市飙涨 U) r+ J+ W4 C U, c
4 J/ H/ a! r3 z( R/ }
* V4 K% P) j) L1 e1 w
- X a# A- G$ ]7 F 那是始终保持神秘的“私募一哥”首次接受媒体采访,他说这句话想表达的意思本来是投资前要对公司和行业进行深入研究后筛选出股票。但是在今天看来,徐翔“除此之外”要做的工作,或许涉及更多见不得阳光的内幕。) X. |3 @7 k" T" U" Q
( m8 w1 {% z4 a7 t6 ~) ` 11月2日深夜,徐翔被查的传闻终于被证实,一代私募大佬就此走下神坛,而他旗下几只基金的辉煌业绩依旧高挂在收益排行榜上,证明着这个市场上曾经诞生过的“传奇”。 o( |. q' N2 p$ Y
8 s$ W: J. K I% U2 r7 T 草根封神
4 {" N! d5 ~3 L# U) Y1 s7 O* n- p6 O+ p6 {% x. h, o
% l' ?/ Q" x4 M7 U/ ^" ^/ V) q7 w( H' c
上世纪90年代中期,18岁的徐翔放弃高考,成为一名专职投资人。徐翔自称“家境非常普通”,然而在他入市之初,父母就给他提供了3万元初始资金,这在当时并非小数目。对此,徐翔解释称:“那个时候,宁波老百姓家里几万元很正常,而且家里就我一个小孩。”/ D# N& c6 ^( \6 Y' \
6 y$ H8 ~; s# V: C 几年之后,徐翔声名鹊起,宁波银河解放南路营业部正是其发迹之地。当时,在该营业部4楼的贵宾室里,有专门做超短线的“三大高手”,徐翔正是其中之一。三人手握三四千万资金,在当时的熊市中,占据了营业部的绝大部分成交量。几个人的操盘风格十分凶猛,洞悉庄家动向,果断吃进,火速撤离,市场将他们称为“宁波涨停敢死队”,甚至出现了“炒股不跟解放南,便是神仙也枉然”的说法。而徐翔则更胜一筹,赢下了“宁波涨停敢死队舵主”的称号。6 K: C) E* ^. W) o
0 N" y3 _+ P7 P. M3 } i2 ~
2 F1 B) Z) W; K$ ]# g' G! A
' x' p) p. p* q, ~$ q/ O+ } 2010年3月,泽熙的第1期产品成立,初始规模10亿元。该产品成立之初便遭遇了A股市场大跌行情,但是产品净值却逆市走高,两个月跑赢大盘约50%,泽熙投资由此名震江湖。
& D/ m. a# Z6 L, b" i: G
: F2 h# i# k" _7 t9 s 在泽熙1期成立后,徐翔又在连续4个月之内集中成立了4只股票策略基金。2010年7月以后,泽熙再未发行过投资于二级市场的产品。
2 Y" Z" Q' V9 V8 h& ]8 c! D( R6 [3 ^/ m, i: ^2 k$ L
对于私募基金公司来说,为了获得更高管理费收益并分摊风险,隔段时间发行一只新产品是常态,而泽熙只守着这5只基金从不扩张,给市场留下了一个问号。更为神秘的是,这5只基金从来不做客户推广,没有人知道谁认购了徐翔的基金。' v! c5 ?$ b- T: }3 n6 E, F
3 \* R7 m' {# J a' L/ b* D
但这些疑问没有阻止徐翔继续创造“神话”。甚至在今年股市大跌中,泽熙旗下基金也获得了超高收益,其中泽熙3号今年以来收益已达362.65%。自成立以来,该基金累计增长率已接近40倍。8 S+ s. C! Q) I3 E$ D' e. P
- v L9 c+ G0 P; e* d6 ^; J* R% M2 } 捕猎“黑天鹅”
( [/ K5 c8 _, }/ B+ [$ |) d) i, P! ]. x& N2 `+ N: Z
* U' k4 w: D- U, ?+ l) L7 c0 O% ]# E
7 J1 ^2 c' J* t1 m8 [9 I
, Z! i/ y5 A& m6 i 2011年年底,重庆啤酒突然宣布乙肝疫苗研发项目失败。这是公司历时多年重金投入的项目,股价也因该项目收获了数倍涨幅,然而“光环”却在一瞬间化为灰烬,股价毫无意外连续跌停。
4 D/ j( g0 t1 Q! J. _8 o' G+ g' n# g3 V9 Q) h" B
+ Y0 W- Q" O- U0 s! ^' G* C' {) |+ k
# w. n) G! M5 ~ ~( h2 h4 g 一年前的獐子岛“黑天鹅”事件,更是展示了徐翔的“高超技艺”。2014年年底,獐子岛突然公告称,受北黄海冷水团异常变化的影响,部分海域底播虾夷扇贝发生重大损失,公司预计损失7.63亿元。獐子岛股价应声跌停。
4 [# j, C: [. Y7 s4 t- K
4 E% L6 E* I3 p- L$ _5 V 连续跌停三天后,12月10日,戏剧性变化发生了。在收盘前几分钟,公司股价瞬间飙升,就在打开跌停板的一分钟内,成交额高达4.88亿元,超过当日总成交额的50%。次日,公司股价低开高走,并于午后收于涨停。两天的龙虎榜显示,12月10日的买单主要来自徐翔,第二天在涨停时,已全部出货完毕,仅仅两个交易日,徐翔净赚4400万元。* k* e- U4 `4 A
/ W9 S# I# Y* }1 M1 s5 n, }$ }. { 但徐翔也有在“黑天鹅”翅膀下栽跟头的时候。2012年11月,酒鬼酒被曝塑化剂超标,随后连吃5个跌停。而此时,泽熙1号正持有酒鬼酒300多万股,仅五天就亏损了大约6000万元。8 F. q L- T4 ^; i* e" Z: f
- G t1 V/ r! [; [: w* d; G 在接受《新世纪(55.94, -0.16, -0.29%)》的采访中,徐翔也表示自己有很多看错割肉的时候。“偷偷摸摸剁掉,及时止损。”
/ y D+ }) s& C* Z* _* Q) A+ _
, O' f: _7 p' f 定增“大玩家”
5 I' a; K1 P8 N# G2 L8 g9 Q4 O- j& [& ~
有了最初的原始积累,2013年初,泽熙走出二级市场,开始参与各种上市公司的非公开发行,同时,徐翔母亲郑素贞作为其在一些定增中的代理人也浮出水面。* v3 m" J. Q7 b
, U3 e' Y- i! a' i: O 2013年1月,泽熙投资、泽熙资管中心和华润信托共同出资成立了增煦投资中心,此后,泽熙投资中心和郑素贞的名字开始频繁出现在上市公司的定增预案中。
3 L8 p6 o7 c0 @9 E6 [' K% S0 B5 r7 e G- m% }0 N9 ^4 c; l
据新京报记者不完全统计,截至目前,徐翔系以认购人身份参与过定增的上市公司包括恒星科技、鑫科材料、华东重机、大恒科技、宝莫股份、龙宇燃油、华丽家族、康强电子、乐通股份等。) P% I; z* |( `3 z
; t/ y$ {+ ?1 { z- m; o 和徐翔概念有关的公司,无一例外地受到市场热捧,股价连续上涨。- N1 H+ p0 _# }$ a- K2 v
( J4 L* E( u+ h7 E1 X8 x0 ~3 V
/ L8 a1 D6 P" L( [4 ]+ r+ ?8 c4 |9 n V5 t. Y; S$ Z2 |% u
此外,康强电子、宝莫股份等徐翔系参与认购的公司在公布定增预案后,均连续拉出多个涨停。0 @; R' {. I, |5 |
$ a* Q6 |: _: W4 e
z' q/ ~3 Q5 z( S9 m) x. c1 B3 O
' U3 i% `, Y* o: `9 @ 谣言终成谶
$ s I( r3 x0 S0 H) }% S) p% f5 W' F" E
对于徐翔如此惊人的业绩,市场上多年以前就传出过质疑。一位私募界人士也对新京报记者说:“在这种行情下他还能有翻倍的收益,要说他没内幕信息我不信,除非他是神。”) G8 X, r, ?- V9 I" V- Q4 z* P" f, m
$ |; `* `" Q) `8 T$ G$ X 徐翔本人对质疑从来不予理会,但是一旦有“违规被查”的传言,他的反应都异常激烈。从不参加公开活动的徐翔至今为止只公开接受过三次采访,都是陷入“违规被查”传言后,以“辟谣”为目的出面。
. {3 L4 D' W; N) z# V; z! T$ ^# D% M7 Z5 r" S. F9 i- I
7 |+ B$ }" ^; B" n4 e' u( M0 T
! K0 s, B4 y) I. p( j7 y 2014年5月,泽熙再次传出被调查的传言,市场猜测“泽熙被调查”与泽熙6期在东方锆业资产重组停牌前的交易有关。徐翔出面接受了澎湃新闻的采访,明确否认被查传闻,并表示:“我管理100亿的盘子,东方锆业只买了1000万元,拿这个来内幕交易?”
G, g' B s! k2 G8 K- d& N( P
9 [4 o9 e. j$ S& G2 ] 在今年上市公司披露的半年报中,泽熙现身十余家公司十大股东榜,而最近披露的半年报均表明,泽熙对大部分公司已减持完毕,在七八月份的股市大跌中成功逃顶。这让人大呼“神奇”的同时,产生了更多质疑。关于泽熙投资涉嫌违规被查的传闻更是密集传出。' r# } }& [: m; }/ ~
9 {2 b ^2 P1 d2 ]: K4 p
# e1 q/ ^, V$ ^3 z0 w3 r1 O
. z. ]: D1 v) X3 f 然而最终,多年来的“谣言”终于成谶。. E3 o- y z/ b5 d3 B
& t$ `2 E: Z+ Y' Z A$ ? 【大事记】
# s9 a/ ~4 {, S- V+ W" K9 y6 c1 e
, O& l1 S5 x% z! p3 K 1978年 徐翔出生;, h6 p; E/ G: q: X
6 m5 `, f, @0 _4 e8 R! |- H 上世纪90年代中期 徐翔放弃高考携3万元进入股市;
& m5 q8 @* |: v# L* j; V9 c- @
: j+ z. \$ a) I, b* O% X 2003年2月15日 《中国证券报》在头版刊发《涨停板敢死队》一文,徐翔进入大众视野;
7 q* o7 p# E! ~* U& p/ Q; t# C" S$ H* R5 t
2005年 徐翔从宁波迁至上海发展;7 m4 y+ s! w8 x+ F( |! Q3 {5 Q
$ }. U. n% Z: D x9 n$ z
2009年12月7日 上海泽熙投资管理有限公司成立;/ a4 k9 R0 @7 ~/ m) y7 d" r/ x5 s
8 d; Z5 ^; [: H4 I/ ~9 ? S4 g
2010年3月 泽熙1号基金成立,随后四个月又连续成立4只股票策略基金;
& [$ u/ x5 A! X! m6 x
0 M' g P* _' q 2011年7月 首次露面接受媒体采访,表示“有人说我们涉嫌违规,这就必须要正面严肃回应”;
: `2 m3 u9 Q# ^9 o5 `3 Q. Q; ] 2013年1月28日 上海泽熙增煦投资中心(有限合伙)成立,徐翔系进入定增市场;2 [! {/ I# u, E/ M f
/ l# w( h$ t( u/ _+ p 2014年12月10日 徐翔系在獐子岛“黑天鹅”事件中获利4400万;
2 D" V* u) z( [. p7 r0 Q' `& d: S0 q1 ~/ Z5 B$ w) L
2015年8月29日 泽熙官网发布公告否认被查,并强调未开通股指期货账号;' H8 \- \. H2 o; z. m6 i: e: D
' a8 K. ~' B( ] 2015年9月12日 泽熙官网再次发布澄清公告,称与证金公司、中信证券等机构无交集;% g. i3 _1 q9 S
# V# a# t" G) I 2015年11月2日 新华社发消息证实徐翔被采取刑事强制措施。 整理/罗超3 l3 s3 c0 d0 }" |" J! \$ I' N# ~
0 W6 d5 r8 u/ d* ~ |2 w f
泽熙动作之所以高调,是因为包含了对上市公司股价的诉求,提出高送转的临时提案,不论通过与否都让市场产生想象空间,泽熙深度介入惠天热电、工大首创等公司的经营,一方面是便于主动管理,另一方面也迎合了市场炒作。—— 一浙江私募人士1 ^- Y9 G2 V G
2 @! D' a# C3 b, f5 K, V- D* ^0 b6 t* {" I/ f7 K
18 years of full-time investment to give up the college entrance examination, rumors that the early years at least 2000000000 profit; the fund market are soaring$ b5 U8 p) D: ^- v& F% ^ M
"Investment is not so simple, just trading can make money. Trading is just a small part of the investment, and a lot of work is to be done." In an interview with the China Securities Journal in 2011, Xu Xiangru said.
3 J$ x3 j6 `1 _It is always mysterious private brother for the first time to accept the media interview, he said want to express the meaning of this sentence is supposed before you invest to conduct the thorough research to the company and the industry selected stocks. But today it seems that Xu Xiang, in addition to do the work to do, perhaps more than to see the sun's insider.' b) y2 x8 p9 S" w0 Y, v, j
Late at night on November 2, Xu Xiang checked the rumor was finally confirmed. A generation of private equity chiefs on this altar, and he's brilliant performance in the few funds still hung high in the income rankings, to prove this market has been the birth of the "legend".9 g- B: ~7 K4 ^$ }+ j) N8 P, C! F
The grassroots! M8 H/ T: N2 D' `2 e6 B( D" S! D
Xu Xiang in the Chinese capital market has been famous for a long time, and was seen as a grassroots hero".
9 F6 ~# q9 Q2 H8 }' P0 FIn the last century 90's, 18 year old Xu Xiang to give up the college entrance examination to become a full-time investors. Xu Xiang claimed that his family is very ordinary, but in his first entry, the parents gave him a 30000 yuan initial funding, which was not a small number. In this regard, Xu Xiang explained: "at that time, Ningbo people's home a few million is normal, but also at home, I was a child."
1 r: e3 h o1 OA few years later, Xu Xiang rise to fame, the Milky Way Ningbo Liberation Road business department is the fortune of the land. At that time, in the 4 floor of the Sales Department of the VIP room, there are specialized to do super short term "big three", Xu Xiangzheng is one of them. Three people holding 34 million funds, at the time of the bear market, the vast majority of sales volume occupy. The trader style is very fierce, understand thoroughly banker trends, decisive eat into, rushed to evacuate, the market will they referred to as "Ningbo limit death squads", even "stocks do not to liberate South is Gods in vain. While Xu Xiang is better, won the "Ningbo Duozhu limit death squads" title.
0 N$ M( V8 N- ~1 t" BMarket rumors, in Ningbo a few years, Xu Xiang at least 2000000000 yuan profit. 2005, Xu Xiang moved to Shanghai from Ningbo development, has experienced a wave of A shares of the big bull market. Four years later, he set up a Cci Capital Ltd in Shanghai city. Allegedly. "Ze hee" two word is Xu Xiang thought of the name. In Chinese historical figures, Xu Xiang most admired Mao Zedong and Kangxi, so the company named "Ze hee".
% w* x( E3 |/ S8 S: g8 rMarch 2010, the first phase of the product was established, the initial size of 1000000000 yuan. The product was first encountered the A-share market market crash, but the net product has gone against the tide of high, two months outperformed the broader market by about 50%, Ze hee investment thus a shake all corners of the country.* D8 A' ^! s* i& P3 ^9 {
After the establishment of the 1 phase of the city, Xu Xiang and set up a continuous 4 months in a row to set up a stock strategy fund. After July 2010, the city of the city and the city has not issued an investment in the two grade market products.
) V: N/ W5 ^% L9 i# @For private equity fund companies, in order to obtain higher management fee income and risk sharing, the issue of a new product is the norm, while the city of Ze hee only to keep the 5 funds from the expansion, to the market left a question mark. More mysterious is that these 5 funds have never done customer promotion, no one knows who subscribed for the Xu Xiang fund.0 |( o9 V5 ^5 I2 j5 V! ?) S
But these questions did not stop Xu Xiang to continue to create the myth". Even in this year's stock market crash, Ze hee's fund also received a super high yield, which is 362.65% of the revenue has reached 3. Since its inception, the fund's cumulative growth rate has been close to 40 times.$ [7 `& c! f. q/ |2 u5 k! F0 }
Hunt black swan"
( H6 P1 Y5 n4 I! H+ bPeople often like to use animals to describe the capital market. You chase "bull" and "bear market" fear, the fear is another animal, "black swan", caught off guard this major negative events may make investors Bichon frise, suffered greater losses.: b. B' Y1 k+ i4 r$ p1 K. ]
But Xu Xiang is just like to chase the black swan". Chongqing Brewery, Chang nine biochemical, Zhangzi Island, these "black swan" events in recent years a share in a typical, behind the appeared Xu Xiang figure.
" J) O; v' O+ v8 D. _4 ZEnd of 2011, Chongqing beer suddenly announced the failure of hepatitis B vaccine research and development projects. This is the company lasted for many years invested heavily in the project, the share price due to the harvesting project several times rose. However, "halo" but in a moment to ashes, shares have no accident continuous limit.
3 \) Q% G7 {" Q/ r$ U: uIn the nine consecutive limit after, Chongqing Brewery shares already from 80 yuan fell to less than 30 yuan, then Xu Xiang shot, but the stock still did not stop the decline and Xu Xiang in the 20 yuan again buy 3000 million shares. After more than a month, Chongqing beer rose to 35 yuan, Xu Xiang successfully escape, earning hundreds of millions of dollars in just one month.! v* {5 p* F7 H2 b6 K* e! z" y
A year ago the island "black swan" event, is showing Xu Xiang's "skill". By the end of 2014, Zhangzi Island suddenly announced that, affected by the abnormal changes in the North Yellow Sea cold water mass, the portion of the sea bottom sowing Patinopecten yessoensis significant losses, the company expects the loss of 7.63 billion yuan. Zhangzidao shares limit.* l e5 L: c9 @0 B
After three days of continuous limit, December 10th, dramatic changes. A few minutes before the close, company's share price soared, in the open daily limit of a minute, turnover reached 4.88 billion yuan, more than the total turnover of the day of 50%. The next day, the company stock price Dikaigaozou, and closed trading in the afternoon. The two day of the December 10th pay charts show, mainly from Xu Xiang
2 D/ w3 q1 g C1 t. _# Y- i# y, N
2 p8 f- ]3 M# L8 o1 m/ N9 S2 P/ L5 v: v1 e7 F